“Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse” was one of the most celebrated films the year it was released. It won the Golden Globe, Critic’s Choice, and Academy awards for Best Animated Feature film solidifying the movie’s place.

Producer Phil Lord confirmed the sequel on Twitter with a retweet.

Fans of the first movie have been waiting for the sequel. The animated story brought together several Spider-Man characters from different universes. Tbh, the collection of the characters is top-notch.

Lord’s retweet got people pumped.


The movie is bringing Miles Morales to the mainstream. The character is an Afro-Latino version of the iconic superhero and he is everything. The movie has been celebrated and praised by members within the Latino community for the representation. Morales’s family is a rare and welcomed representation of an Afro-Latino family.

Like, people are big-time excited.

The movie was slated for an April 2022 release but things have been happening in the world that has delayed the release. Now, the movie is expected to be released in October 2022. Either way, the people are here for it.

There are people still trying to get jobs with the project and they are shooting their shots.

Lord is one of the producers of the movie. If he is sending you links to the hiring page for the company producing the movie, that’s amazing. It isn’t every day that someone like that opens up a door for someone based on a tweet.

At least we know that they are finally working on the movie.


Now we just have to wait two years to see it. It should be easy enough.

READ: All You Need To Know About The Latino Spider-Man: Miles Morales