Ben Affleck speaks Spanish like he just came out of “El Señor de los Cielos,” and it’s blowing our minds right now. Why does the actor say “mierda” like he grew up in Tijuana? Also, at least considering J.Lo‘s iconic “mi gente Latino” speech, why do so many fans agree he just might speak Spanish than her? So many questions, so little time, but all we can say is that he’s Benito Affleck to us until further notice.

As they say, in life, one door closes and another opens. Considering our favorite Benito is off galavanting on horses with Kendall Jenner right now, and may or may not be dealing with Kardashian brujería, it’s time for another Benito’s reign. Benito Affleck is the unproblematic husband-of-a-Latina we needed, speaking Spanish with respect to our mannerisms, expressions, and yes, even bad words. All in all, let’s just say Affleck’s recent all-Spanish interview with Cadena Ser was not on our 2023 bingo card… and we’ve looped it 25 times.

Ben Affleck’s latest Spanish interview just broke the internet

Without further ado, may we present to you our new favorite Benito? Affleck sat down with Spain-based radio network Cadena SER about his experience making his new movie “Air,” which centers on Nike’s pursuit of Michael Jordan to form arguably the biggest marketing partnership in history. The film sounds like tons of fun, with Affleck explaining that he personally consulted Jordan out of his major “respect” to the athlete.

Of course, the entire interview is in Spanish, which admittedly makes it about 50 times more entertaining to us. For one, Affleck says audience members would think the movie is “mierda” (LOL) if they would have cast someone to actually play Jordan in the movie. Why? Because he’s too “grande,” “importante,” and “magnifico”— in Affleck’s eyes, no one could ever play him believably.

Another fun detail about the interview? The “Gone Girl” actor also explained that Jordan had a very special request for him — Viola Davis had to play his mother Deloris in the film.

This is how fans are reacting to Affleck’s Spanish skills

The interview is a must-watch if you’re interested in buying tickets to see “Air”… or of course, if you’ve never seen Affleck speak Spanish before. As you can expect, the internet is going crazy over it, with one TikTok commenter writing, “We lost a Benito but gained a Ben… I’m OK with that.” Honestly? We are, too.

Another called him “Benjamín Affleck” instead, while another laughed, “I love that he has a Mexican accent.” One more commenter pushed back on that, though: “His accent is turning a little Puerto Rican.” Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it.

Overall, most people applauded Affleck for his impressive fluency and for respecting the language— and yes, tons of people are inviting him to carne asadas now. Yet another nickname fans are giving him now? “Benny from the Bronx,” so we’ll just leave you with that.

Over on Instagram, one user said it all when they wrote: “I love hearing him speak in Spanish. It sounds like a voice over 😂.” Why is this giving us “Argo” dubbed-in-Spanish vibes?

On the other hand, you might have already known about Ben Affleck’s Spanish fluency— it seems to shock the internet in waves every two years or so. For one, this old video of the actor speaking to “El Gordo Y La Flaca” lives in in our brains rent-free:

What do you think about Benito Affleck’s Spanish?