It’s been 15 years since Melania and Donald Trump got married but it seems that what might have once been a love as bright as gold for the two socialites, has now turned to dust.

If you find that hard to believe, just take a look at their displays of affection. Recently, yet another video of the couple went viral as they were seen disembarking from Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews from Morristown, NJ. In the video, Trump can be seen making multiple grabs for Melania’s hand as they make their way down the steps. Unfortunately for him, Trump failed miserably but doesn’t seem to be getting the hint when it comes to her rejection. This seems like a growing trend, considering that ever since Trump became president Melania has either blatantly rejected her husband’s hand in public or blatantly ignored it.

May 2017, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Shortly after Trump and Melania landed in Tel Aviv, the president reached for Melania’s hand. She literally swatted him and his hand away.

February 2018, leaving the White House on the way to Ohio.

As Trump and Melania left the White House to board Marine One on the way to Ohio, Trump, still determined, tried to take Melania’s hand. Melania ghosted her own husband with her coat leaving him to only take hold of her sleeve.

April 2018, meeting with Emmanuel Macron.

You shouldn’t compare… but Melania and Trump make Macron and his wife look like Sandy and Danny from Grease when they’re out. Particularly in this moment when Trump awkwardly attempted to grasp Melania’s hand and failed miserably. Again.

August 2018, author Nell Scovell made it worse.

Scovell compiled a series of photos of Melania and Donald to show that they were a lovey-dovey couple who actually did hold hands. Unsurprisingly, a closer look showed that they were hardly touching.

December 2018, the Christmas Special.

For the holidays, Patti Wood (a body language expert) commented on a set of Christmas photos that emerged of the couple telling  InStyle: “If you look at that photo and don’t move in on it tightly at all, you can feel the tension in it. There are many things that show affection, care, a desire to merge — that aren’t present,” she explained. “It’s a loose handhold. If you look at her hand, it is bent around his and slightly lifting his up. But you can see where he’s not fully joining in by the way that his thumb is awkwardly out. It’s very odd.”

June 2020, Melania also won’t smile for Trump.

Trump appeared to ask Melania to put on a happy face and she blatantly objected to his request.

August 2020, voting for Biden?

Social media users took note on August 16 when the First Lady blatantly ignored her husband’s hands as they deported a plane.

Trump and Melania have been in the White House for almost 4 years and they’ve managed to not only destroy our country but failed to master the handhold.