Many of our abuelas are the best cooks we know. You can dine at all the best restaurants in the world, yet the best meal you’ll ever have will still be at your abuela’s house. 

Even though abuelas love passing down their recetas, they still hold off on some of their secrets. Thankfully, through some investigation (aka keen observation), we’re unveiling them and sharing them with the world. 

Today, we’re giving you the real secret behind your best frijoles, meat, and stewed dishes. Ever wonder where all those layers of spices come from and why yours never taste the same? The secret comes from toasting your spices. 

Here’s how it works. 

Toasting your spices unlocks a world of flavor 

If you’ve been adding your especias straight to your meals without toasting them, you’re missing out on their magical essential oils. When you heat up your spices before cooking, their aromas release and become more pronounced. This also improves the texture of ground spices in your food and prevents them from clumping. 

There are, of course, many ways you can toast them. And don’t worry, this won’t take up too much of your time. 

Dry toasting 

Add your whole or ground spices to a dry skillet over medium heat. Stir or shake the pan constantly to prevent burning. After 30 seconds to a minute, the spices should be toasted. Transfer them to a cool plate to stop the cooking process, or add onions, garlic, or the next part of your dish. 

Oil Toasting 

Heat a small amount of oil in a skillet over medium heat. Then, add your spices and stir constantly until fragrant. Remove them from the heat, or add the rest of your recipe. 

Some things to keep in mind

When toasting spices, be careful not to burn them. For recipes like beans and rice, toast the spices as part of your sofrito. This will add depth and complexity to your dishes. 

Also, with spices, small amounts are enough to enhance the flavor of things. Try experimenting with them and enjoy!