Attorney Argues That Soccer Player Ronaldinho Is ‘Stupid’ And Didn’t Know His Immigration Papers Were Fake
Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho is accused of breaking immigration laws in Paraguay. The 2002 World Cup player was detained by authorities with his brother in Paraguay after they were found to be traveling with fake travel documents. However, authorities claim there is more to the story.
Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho is being accused of entering Paraguay with false travel documents.

According to reports, Ronaldinho was arrested when he entered Paraguay with his brother. Ronaldinho and his brother are both accused of entering Paraguay with forged passports breaking Paraguayan law. The two Brazilians spent time in a maximum-security prison because of their non-compliance with Paraguay’s immigration laws.
One of Ronaldinho’s attorneys is trying to explain away the crime by claiming the soccer player was just “stupid.”

Paraguayan judge Clara Ruiz ordered that the brother be put taken into custody because there was evidence that other crimes occurred separately from the fake passports. According to Daily Mail, the judge ordered for the brothers to remain in custody because of their crimes against Paraguay.
“There is a flight risk and there is a danger of obstruction. We are dealing with a foreigner who entered the country illegally and who remained in the country illegally,” judge Ruiz said, according to Daily Mail. “The prosecution considered he meets all the requirements. He will remain in preventative prison in the Specialised Unit.’
Ronaldinho’s attorneys insist that the brothers just don’t know what a real passport looks like.

Another attorney for the brothers claimed the arrests are arbitrary, illegal, and abusive. The attorney even went a step further saying that the investigation into the crime, which could take six months, be dropped.
“They confessed that they used these false passports,” Sergio Queiroz, one of the attorneys representing the brothers told the press. “But there was no harm done to the Paraguayan state. Roberto and Ronaldinho did not know that the passports were irregular. And they cooperated fully with authorities.”
Ronaldinho, who hasn’t said much about his arrest, did tell his attorneys that the passports were given to him.

According to Ronaldinho, the passports were given to him by someone asking them to travel to Paraguay for charity work. He was allegedly told that he was being asked to come to Paraguay to attend a conference organized by charities that work with disadvantaged children.