Courtesy PoseOnFX/Twitter

The cult-favorite FX series, “Pose”, came to an end last night, just in time for Pride Month. The show, which centered on New York City’s drag “ballroom culture” of the ’80s and ’90s, was a fan favorite–especially among queer and marginalized viewers. “Pose” was groundbreaking for its diverse cast, made up of largely Black, Latinx, queer, and trans performers. To say it will be missed would be an understatement.

The series creator, Nuyorican Steven Canals, pulled no punches when it came to wrapping up the series. Some beloved characters got much-deserved happy endings. Others were not so lucky.

**Spoilers ahead**

In what can only be described as a bittersweet ending, the inimitable Pray Tell passes away due to complications from AIDS. His death is a heroic one, as he gives away his own life-saving drug cocktail to save the life of his love, Ricky. The tragic ending to a larger-than life character had fans grieving. Yes, the death of Pray Tell was sad. But his death was just symbolic of the millions of queer POC folks who have died due to neglect and structural apathy.

According to Steven Canals, Pray Tell’s death was meant to be a larger allegory for the sacrifices queer people have historically had to make to protect their communities. “The reality is that for queer and trans people and for non-binary folks, the only people who are ever going to show up for us, is us,” Canals told Variety. “To me, the death in our finale was an act of defiance to remind the audience that the only people who you can rely on is your own community.”

While the finale had moments of joy and moments of tragedy, it was, all in all, an amazing send off. Here are the best tweets about the series finale of “Pose”.

Of course, most of fans’ tweets were about Pray Tell.

Pray Tell really was too pure for this world.

Naturally, there were the requisite tweets about the ball performances.

And, there were fan campaigns for “Pose” actors to get *all* the awards.

These were truly once-in-a-lifetime performances.

This fan was celebrating Queen Elektra’s all-around bad-assery.

And of course, so many fans took to Twitter to pay tribute to a show that finally made them feel seen and heard.

RIP “Pose”. You will forever have a place in our hearts.