Cardi B is known for her music and her videos on social media. She has been able to break down issues in our politics as well as defending laborers and sex workers. Now, the rapper is discussing one topic that has everyone talking: the novel coronavirus or COVID-19.

Cardi B is getting nervous about novel coronavirus COVID-19.

Like only Cardi B can, the rapper injected a little bit of humor into this dark and scary time for so many Americans. Schools are being closed. The NBA has suspended the rest of the 2020 season. New York is closing down Broadway after gatherings of 500 people were banned by the governor.

Cardi B addressed the health crisis on Instagram because she often shares her opinions to give a different perspective.

“Government, let me tell y’all m—— f——— something. I don’t know what the f— this coronavirus is about,” Cardi B said in the video. “I don’t understand how this shit was from Wuhan, China now all of a sudden this shit is on our m—— f——— soil. And let me tell y’all something. I’m not even gonna front. A bitch is scared. I’m a little scared, you know what I’m saying. Like, shit got me panicking.”

Cardi B admitted that she might not have taken this viral pandemic seriously enough at the beginning but now “s— is getting real.”

But now, she is getting ready in response to the virus spreading across the U.S. According to the latest numbers, the U.S. currently has more than 1,300 people sick with the novel coronavirus. Thurty-eight people, mainly based in Washington state, have died of COVID-19. The most common demographic to die from the coronavirus are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes.

During a second video, Cardi B injects a little bit of her classic style of humor with some rubbing alcohol.

Cardi B speaks on the real effect the coronavirus is having on the stock market and the real impact the virus will have on everyday people.

“Government. Government. Government. You wanna know something. I know s—’s getting real,” Cardi B says in the video. “Once the stock market starts going low, that’s how I know s—’s getting real cause ain’t nothing that white corporate America hates the most than losing m—— f——— money.”

She continued by telling viewers that she just wants to know a basic timetable of what to expect from this disease so she can start stocking up on emergency food. She also says she was considering moving to on of the Caribbean islands but that the disease spreading there is leaving with the option to move to Antarctica.

Health experts are currently working to find a vaccine for COVID-19. However, it is estimated that we are a year and a half away from achieving the vaccine.

The best way to prevent catching the virus is to wash your hands with soap and water for 24 seconds multiple times throughout the day after touching surfaces. It is also beneficial to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as that’s one way the virus can take hold.

READ: What To Know About The Coronavirus And How To Prevent It