Cardi B is moving to Nigeria to evade World War III, at least according to a tweet from the “Press” rapper. If you haven’t heard about the United States’ drone strike that killed the powerful general, then read up because Cardi isn’t wrong to be afraid.

Many believe President Donald Trump appears to be escalating tensions and gearing for war with Iran following his ordering of the assassination of Iran’s military leader Qassem Soleimani, despite his administration’s warnings against the move. 

Cardi B is fleeing to Nigeria, and we’re not mad at this idea. 

“Naaaaa these memes are f*ckin memes but shit ain’t no joke! ‘Specially being from New York. It’s sad this man is putting Americans live in danger. Dumbest move Trump did till date… I’m filing for my Nigerian citizenship,” the “Money” rapper tweeted. 

She later said, “picking my tribe.” Cardi performed in Nigeria and Ghana this year. The Bronx native visited strip clubs in the area but also did some charitable work by donating diapers, water, and other necessities to a Nigerian orphanage. It appears Nigeria seems to have won over the Grammy winner. 

Nigeria responds to Cardi’s request for citizenship.

“As one in charge of the Diaspora for Ngr, We can’t wait to receive you again,” tweeted Nigerian government official Abike Dabiri-Erewa. “Our doors are open, sister. And you need to talk a walk through the Door of Return in Badagry. It’s an indescribable experience.” 

Cardi wasn’t the only artist to criticize Trump’s move. Serj Tankian of System of Down suggested Trump took a page out of Bill Clinton’s impeachment playbook. 

“A month before [Trump’s] impeachment trial in the Senate and on an election year Trump makes a call to assassinate a leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards,” Tankian wrote on Twitter. “A move Clinton made, bombing Iraq before his Senate impeachment.”

Trump’s move has garnered a great deal of disapproval from U.S. Congress and our allies abroad. 

“This is a moment in which leaders must exercise maximum restraint,” Farhan Haq said in a statement on behalf of U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres. “The world cannot afford another war in the Gulf.”

Members of Congress have been particularly critical considering the president does not have the right or legal authority without congressional approval. 

“He has the ability to prevent an imminent attack against the United States without coming to Congress,” Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut told NPR’s Morning Edition. “I think we need to see the fact that that is, in fact, true. He does not have any other standing authorization to take out a strike against a country that we have not declared war against.”

Are we on the brink of World War III? Maybe.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran have vowed to take revenge on the United States. 

“The future looks grim, as neither Iran nor the United States is pulling back. Iran is widely expected to retaliate for the death of its iconic military leader,” according to Vox. “Trump’s threats against Iran and the additional attacks on pro-Iran militant groups in Iraq, as well as threats to sanction Iraq if it tells American forces to leave, make it seem that the United States wants to escalate the situation. Iran may try to hit American bases and troops, diplomatic facilities, or even the US homeland. The large number of US military outposts and official facilities give it plenty of locations to target.”

Trump went on a Twitter rant threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites without congressional authorization in response to reports that Iran might retaliate over the assassination of its leaders. 

“Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran &  the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!” The President of the United States tweeted.

Trump’s Twitter tirades at this particular moment have been criticized by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman accused the president of threatening to commit war crimes. 

“Targeting cultural sites is a war crime. It should also go without saying that sites like Persepolis (& its PEOPLE) are not only treasures to Iranians, they are gifts to humanity. They tell humanity’s story – that is why authoritarians target them. They want to erase history,” AOC tweeted in response

While the future remains precarious and uncertain, one thing is for sure: Cardi ain’t staying when push comes to shove.