Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for NARAS

Cardi B is, once again, embroiled in controversy. The Bronx-born rapper was trending over the weekend after she posted an extremely tone-deaf tweet.

“Should I spend 88K for this damn purse?” Cardi asked her 15.5 million followers. “Omggg it’s tempting.”

Her followers, it seemed, were none-too-pleased with this question.

Angry replies soon flooded Cardi’s mentions, dragging her for flaunting her wealth during an unprecedented pandemic when people are struggling to pay their bills and stay alive.

“Sis, there’s an eviction crisis, folks can’t feed their families, students are drowning in debt, and people are sick with and dying of COVID,” said one angry Twitter user. “Most of us don’t have the luxury of $88 temptations so hearing you’re trying to drop $88k on a purse feels hella wrong.”

Twitter users started telling Cardi that she should put that money to better use, like donating it to charity.

Cardi then brought out the receipts, showing off all of the times she donated her money to charity in the past year.

“I already donated 2 million dollars this year and I’m doing something very special in a another country that will be done with next year. What have you donated?” she said.

Cardi then went on the defensive, asking her critics to show her what they’ve donated so she would match it (the strategy being to prove that she’s more generous than her followers are).

“Okay let’s do this challenge! Since ya want to tell me to donate soo much…Drop receipts on what YOU have donated too [sic],” she tweeted. “I will match it and donate to a organization you have donate as well. LETS START NOW!

In response to the challenge, there were a few followers who proved that they donated $50 here or $100 there, but (obviously) no one had receipts to prove they’ve donated millions of dollars to charity.

Cardi then “apologized” for her alleged faux-pas.

“Ok guys I apologize. There you happy?!” she wrote. “I don’t see ya askin Trump for a apology when he out here missing COVID meetings to play golf but [okay].”

It didn’t end there. There was quite a bit of back-and-forth between Cardi and her haters for a while before the situation finally died down.

And, never one to miss an opportunity to crack a joke, Cardi concluded the who scandal with this gem of a tweet: “Sooooooo……do ya want me to show ya the purse?”

And that’s all, folks. Tune in next week for the next episode of Controversial Cardi. We’re sure she’ll keep delivering the drama, whether we want to see it or not.