The time is finally here chicas.

Adam Ray Okay, the voice and face behind the iconic Instagram character named Rosa, has officially announced that they’re launching a clothing and merch line! That’s right, and you better believe the upcoming line will come with a whole lot of sass that will make the butterflies in your stomach go awfff.

In a post to fans on Instagram, Okay shared the big news.

“I’M SO EXCITED TO FINALLY SHARE THIS WITH YOU ALL. My new collection is dropping 05/21/2020 at!!! I’m so happy I was able to include 2 of my best friends that helped create the Rosa Cinematic Universe (RCU) in this with me. I want ALL of you to experience a little bit of Rosa when wearing these pieces head to my IG stories to find out how you can win a full set of merch when we launch! a portion of the proceeds will be going to those currently being affected by COVID-19,” the TikTok and Instagram star wrote in an Instagram post.

Okay announced that their new line is part of their new “Rosa Cinematic Universe (RCU)” which looks to be aiming to sell a full set of merch. What’s more, for every item sold a percentage of the proceeds will go to those currently being affected by COVID-19.

As of now, it looks like the site that will sell Okay’s items is not quite yet up and running.

The site currently says that the site is “opening soon” but you CAN sign up with your email to find out when it will launch. The Instagram and TikTok user AdamRayOkay shot to fame late last year when the character they created named “Rosa” captivated viewers with her playful laugh and chismosa ways.

So far, Okay (as Rosa) has wrangled about 1.6 million followers on Instagram and nailed some amazing publicity.

Paper Magazine/ Instagram

“I’m just trying to stay positive [and] I want to make other people feel positive,” 20-year-old Adam Ray Okay told Paper. “So I’m just trying to put as much content on there as possible, on the internet. Just because right now both the internet and the actual real world are in a really dark place. So yeah, I’m just trying to stay positive.

On what inspired them to create Rosa, Okay explained she was easy to come up with because everyone can relate to her.

Paper Magazine / Instagram

In late March, Okay was featured in a magazine spread published by Paper Magazine. Just weeks before, Okay made her debut on Fenty Beauty.

“I had downloaded the TikTok app and I was just scrolling, doing my thing. I wasn’t really thinking of making my own content. And then I just got inspired by myself, my childhood growing up and, like you said, everybody knows this Rosa character and I felt that she had been forgotten about… So once I brought her back, everybody was just so familiar with her and that’s why I felt she did really well,” Okay told Paper in the interview with Paper magazine. “She’s everywhere. So, even if you didn’t grow up with somebody like her, you know how she is. She’s predictable in an unpredictable way. She’s just so familiar… she is part of everybody.”