We’ve just stumbled upon an internet conspiracy theory to end all internet conspiracy theories. “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” fans were already shocked to hear underwater ruler Namor’s name comes from “el niño sin amor.”

Now, viewers are speculating the Mexican band El Tri may have also inspired the name. Let’s dive in!

The executive producer of “Wakanda Forever” explained the name’s meaning

Back in October, executive producer Victoria Alonso gave insight into the meaning behind Namor’s name at the movie’s premiere. It turns out that the phrase “el niño sin amor,” or “the boy without love” actually inspired the name Namor. She told Deadline, El niño sin amor… that’s why they call him Namor, the boy who grew up without love.” 

As Alonso described, the last five letters of “sin amor” make up the indigenous warrior‘s name.

Namor’s origin story is epic

If you watched the box office hit already, you got all the details about Namor’s origin story. Alongside the rest of her tribe, Namor’s mother ate a plant rooted in vibranium when she was still pregnant with him. This gave Namor his extra-special powers, surviving both in and out of water and being able to fly. Named K’uk’ulkan or “feathered serpent god” at birth, the future ruler also ages much slower than mere mortals.

While cool, K’uk’ulkan’s slow aging process is also lonely, such as his mother dying when he is still a boy. He also successfully attacks Spanish conquistadores around that time. The young warrior’s skills give him the nickname “boy without love,” or Namor. One interesting detail? Only his enemies call him Namor.

Namor might also be inspired by a song by El Tri

While the meaning behind the name is already fascinating, some viewers are connecting it to a famous song by Mexican band El Tri. As per Cultura Colectiva, El Tri fans immediately noticed the possible MCU Easter egg, and we hope it’s true!

The name Namor might be inspired by El Tri’s iconic song “El Niño Sin Amor” from 1986. The song’s lyrics are accurate to the ruler of Talocan’s story, describing a boy who grows up alone, without love or a family.

The lyrics state, “He was born, I don’t know… only God could explain why,” continuing, “That child never had parents or a home, that child doesn’t understand love.”

There’s no doubt the lyrics of the song relate to Namor’s story, also saying that the child “understood that life is a game that is difficult to play.” Considering the character’s attempts to defend Talocan, this makes perfect sense.

There’s no way to know for sure if “Wakanda Forever” creators thought about El Tri’s song when thinking up Namor’s name. That being said, some Twitter users seem to think so. One user wrote, “I love the idea that Namor is ‘the child without love’ like the song by El Tri.”

Another user agreed, writing, “Isn’t ‘El Niño Sin Amor’ a song by El Tri? #Namor.”

Moreover, countless more users thought about the connection. One fan joked, “Imagine if the song by El Tri would have played when Namor said he got that name when they told him he was ‘El Niño Sin Amor’… a la v*rga!” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.