Technology is hard for just about everyone over the age of 30. Especially now that technology changes so quickly, it’s easy to lose track of how things work or why we even need them. This is doubly true for senior citizens, who live in a world completely unlike the one they knew as children.

That’s why it’s so nice to see younger people taking the time to help their older relatives adjust to something as simple as using a new television. A TikTok going viral online shows someone doing exactly that.

Will Hart teaches his grandmother to use her new Smart TV

The new video, which comes courtesy of Will Donayre Hart, shows the TikToker coaching his grandmother on her new, 75-inch Smart TV. Hart guides his grandmother through the home screen and explains the concept of apps, how those apps work, and which apps she’s able to use.

With the patience of a grade school teacher, Hart calmly and clearly takes grandma through a quick tutorial on her new device. “All of these squares are their own individual apps,” he says, referring to the Smart TV home screen that allows users to pick from an assortment of streaming apps like Hulu and Netflix.


Hung Grandmas ❤️New 75in TCL Smart Tv , Got Comcast internet Installed & Teaching Her How To Use Netflix.

♬ original sound – Will Donayre Hart

He then lists off a few of the apps seen on the home screen while clarifying, “They have nothing to do with each other but they are all apps.” He tells her she has the option between Amazon Prime and Netflix before teaching her how to select the correct app on the screen.

Before long, granny starts getting the hang of it and finds her way to the Netflix app all on her own. It may not seem like a big deal, but getting older people to master new technology is no small feat. In the video, it’s clear Hart’s grandmother is proud of herself for understanding what was probably a pretty intimidating piece of technology.

Comments are celebrating Hart’s patience

Comments on Hart’s TikTok, when they weren’t focusing on how much he sounds like Scott Disick when he talks, celebrated his successful attempt to teach his grandmother to use the new TV. “How do I sign my parents up for this class lol,” wrote one commenter. Another wrote, “This is how we need to teach people with patience.”

Additionally, one commenter gave Hart some advice on how to make things easier for his grandmother. “Press the little * on the remote and remove the apps you don’t have subscriptions to,” they wrote. “That way it’s even easier for her.”