7 Creepy AF Places Caught on Google Earth (That You’ll Wish You Never Saw)
Google Earth is great for getting directions on where you need to go. It can also help you find points of interest when visiting a new city. However, a different side of Google Earth shows you some of Earth’s most terrifying and curious things. We pulled together seven of the most terrifying places on Earth, which are really scary. Here is where you should probably not visit if you are easily spooked.
7. The Devil’s Face (Atlanta, Georgia)
During the early days of the Internet, a sleuth found what appeared to be The Devil’s Face pushing up from the Earth. The image, captured on Google Earth, showed a face appearing out of nowhere just outside Atlanta, Georgia. The face was so unnerving to local residents that they tried to alter the terrain to get rid of it. They might have erased the face, but the memory remains.
6. Blood Lake (Sadr City, Iraq)
The blood-red lake not far from Baghdad is the source of various speculations about the color. There has never been an official explanation, but the Internet and people love to come up with their own stories. The most popular speculation is that the nearby slaughterhouses are using the lake to dump useless animals. Rumors are that the poor sanitation and policing in the area help facilitate the unmitigated dumping of dead animals in the lake. The most common reason people believe this is because the red color is limited to the one lake. Though the lake has been cleaned up, that infamy will live forever.
5. Pripyat Village (Ukraine)
The 1986 Chernobyl disaster forced the residents of Pripyat Village in Ukraine to evacuate. The village was originally built to house the workers of the nuclear power plant that exploded in 1986. People in Pripyat Village, like those in Chernobyl, were forced to flee, leaving behind their homes, cars, and amusement parks. The remaining ghost town is an eerie sight on Google Earth and a reminder of one of the worst environmental disasters in human history.
4. The Cave of Antarctica (Antarctica)
A mysterious cavern located in Antarctica has been the subject of speculation for years since it appeared on Google Earth. There is speculation that Nazi forces somehow used the cavern during World War II. The shape of the opening has led many to speculate that the cave is artificial. Whatever the origins, it is a creepy place located in Antarctica. The views of the cave feel sinister, as if looking into a dark, terrifying void.
3. Linfen (China)
Linfen, China, is located in the southwest of Shanxi province and is considered one of the most polluted cities in the world. While this find isn’t spooky, it is terrifying when you consider that almost 4 million people call Linfen home. The pollution is so thick in the city that you cannot see the skyline. The leading causes of air pollution that affects residents’ health are coal mining and particles. It might not be supernatural, but it is chilling to think about living with such heavy pollution in the air.
2. Chittagong (Bangladesh)
Chittagong, Bangladesh, is where ships are taken apart. However, the side effect of this is that the vessel pollutes the city’s land, water, and air. Bangladesh is the most polluted country in the world, and other nations are coming together to help boost tracking and mediation efforts. Like the people in Linfen, China, pollution has immediate consequences on people’s health and negatively impacts health outcomes and life expectancy.
1. Blurred Military Bases and Locations (Worldwide)
For many, the most terrifying places on Google Earth are the blurred military bases and secret facilities. Hidden military facilities represent true dangers to humanity. Weapons from these blurred locations wait to be activated in armed conflicts. Tbh, that is the most terrifying thing you could learn from Google Earth.