via kendalljenner/Instagram

Kendall Jenner just can’t seem to keep out of trouble. Back in February, the supermodel of the Kardashian-Jenner clan announced that she would soon be releasing a tequila brand called 818. Back then, even the initial announcement caused some controversy.

Well now, 818 tequila has just launched in California. And along with the tequila’s launch has come a very…interesting ad campaign.

On Monday, Kendall Jenner took to her Instagram page to release a promotional video for 818. In the video, she’s dressed in what some critics are calling “chic migrant worker” clothing. She is now facing backlash for cultural appropriation.

“What an incredible experience I have had thus far, learning about this beautiful place, it’s beautiful culture, and the beautiful people!” she wrote in her caption. “@drink818 has launched in California
we will be rolling out to the rest of the US all summer long, keep a look out!!!”

But, soon the criticism came rolling in. The images did, indeed, bring up images of rural Mexico. She wore clothes similar to what farmworkers in Mexico might, albeit a high-fashion version. The entire video looked like she was playing “dress up” as a rural agricultural worker in Mexico. But we all know that her life is much different than theirs.

Here are some of the most critical Tweets that have been making the rounds:

One Mexican woman even wrote an entire essay on a Twitter thread that explained why Kendall’s 818 promotional campaign was so problematic.

You can read the entire thing here.

This isn’t the first time that Kendall Jenner has faced backlash for cultural appropriation.

She previously dealt with the accusation when she was spotted wearing her hair in cornrows. The criticism continued when people called her a “culture vulture” for selling a shirt that profited off of chola culture.

At this point, Kendall Jenner has made a career on being tone-deaf. Who could forget the infamous 2017 Pepsi commercial where she solved police brutality by offering an officer a cold beverage?

But despite her many controversies, Kendall Jenner appears not to have learned her lesson. But at this point, she seems to be aware of the latest controversy she’s stirred. She’s currently turned off the comments on her Instagram post.