Lil Uzi Got A $24 Million Diamond Pierced To His Forehead And Twitter Has Thoughts
While us normies wait in anticipation for our country’s leaders to make up their minds about our stimulus checks, the wealthy aren’t at all bashful about flashing their wealth and riches. From spending tons of money on covid tests to shelling out money for private parties in a pandemic they’re spending it all.
Of course, we know it’s none of our business how people choose to spend their money, still, we can’t help but raise our eyebrows at the latest spending decision one rapper Lil Uzi Vert recently made.
Last week, Rapper Lil Uzi Vert unveiled a brand-new forehead piercing featuring an insane pink diamond.
When Uzi tweeted back on January 30, that he had been saving up for a natural pink stone worth a total of $24 million since 2017 we were of course surprised. At the time, Uzi told fans that he’d been saving up for a diamond that was “10 almost 11 carats.”
Last Wednesday, Uzi shared a video of the new piercing, revealing that he’d put it smack in the middle of his forehead.
“Beauty is pain,” Uzi posted about the image and fans were quick to note that the forehead piercing looked slightly off-centered.
Uzi was quick to point out that while the diamond may appear to be off-center it always looks that way for now because of swelling. “Y’all keep talking about it’s off, it still has a long bar in it so it can move ‘cause of the swelling,” he explained in a post shared to his Instagram Story. “When it goes down, it gon’ be right there.”
According to an interview with Yahoo and Luis Garcia, the vice president of the Association of Professional Piercers, Uzi did receive a pierce, contrary to the implant theory that some fans have suggested.
“It looks like he has what we would call a vertical bridge piercing, as in the bridge of the nose. That would be an actual piercing with a staple shape barbell that enters at one point, exits at another, and then the big diamond attaches to that bar on the front,” Garcia tells Yahoo Life. “It’s a piercing, while obviously not super common in typical circles, it’s fairly common in piercing circles. …Definitely not with a giant $24 million diamond on it. But it’s something that gets done.”
Garcia says that the style of piercing could cause some problems for the rapper in the future.
“With such a big piece, the weight of it, day to day life like washing your face, sleeping, rolling around, wearing a hoody, it’s just gonna be so easy to get that thing snagged. That’s really where the main concern is,” Garcia told Yahoo. “The chances of it working out are slim.”
So, why didn’t Uzi just put his diamond on a ring?
When asked why he didn’t just put the stone on a ring and call it a day, Uzi said he was “literally tryna turn into a diamond.”
Of course, fans also had jokes to make.
Welp, it’s all To Be Determined on whether or not Lil Uzi’s forehead piercing ends up sticking but here’s hoping it definitely does not get snatched!