A mother in Dallas named Betzabeth Perez gave birth to her newborn baby in a hospital elevator on Mother’s Day, thanks to a security guard named Eli Davila.

The story began when Perez went to the hospital with her partner, Adolfo Soto, after experiencing contractions. Video surveillance footage shows Perez arriving at the hospital, where Davila is seen wheeling her inside and up to the maternity ward in an elevator.

The surveillance video then shows “Perez looking uncomfortable and worried while sitting in her wheelchair,” according to TODAY.

However, Perez never made it to her hospital room. Instead, Perez and Davila are seen entering the elevator without a baby, and exiting the elevator with one. Perez named her baby, a little girl, Mia.

Davila, himself a father of two, feels like Mia is one of his own.

Medical City Dallas

“I want to be part of the baby’s life, and celebrate Mother’s Day and birthdays, coming along as she grows,” Davila said. “Seems to me like she’s going to be another one of my kids.”

The TODAY article also tells us:

“In a statement to KXAS, Jay DeVenny, Medical City’s CEO of Medical City Women’s Hospital Dallas, praised the security guard’s actions. ‘Eli’s quick assessment and willingness to help a patient in need takes “other duties as assigned” to a new level and speaks to our colleague’s commitment to delivering excellent care,’ DeVenny stated.”

Perez and Davila met again a few days later to recount their wild Mother’s Day tale. “He was there to help. He calmed me down,” Perez said. “For him to get here as fast as he could and be supportive and helpful through the whole thing.”