With so much time to kill at the moment, just about everyone is on social media engaging in the TMI / walk down memory lane. Whether it’s stories about our old school days or odd former flames, people are baring their souls.

In the latest TMI share on Twitter, users are opening about their weirdest and most embarrassing injuries.

Afro-Latina queen Soledad O’Brien shared a pretty wild story of humiliation.

So we decided to ask you guys, our mitú audience, to tell us some of your crazy embarrassing stories and boy did you deliver!

Turns out, some of you have been caught cursing at churches…

“On the day of my cousins wedding the bride asked me to go get her bouquet from inside the church where the florist had left them. As I round the front pew I didn’t notice they had a weird cut out for wheelchairs. Well as i found out when I felt my ankle pop as I rolled it and fell to the ground in pain, but not before yelling out oh F’K….quickly followed by an I’m sorry because I was in church. I was so embarrassed because the church choir was practicing heard and saw the whole thing.” – anntta_lop

This story has the oddest ending because of a goat…

“When I was younger living on a farm one thing led to another and my feet were caught in the leash of a running baby calf so your boy got dragged a decent amount through our gravel driveway.” – pablomcd3

This story is pretty relatable for every 90s kid into McDonald’s.

“When I was younger, don’t remember the age I was, I was at McDonald’s and my dumbass fell down the stairs from the playground area. And my dad had to take me to the hospital to get snitches under my chin. And I still have the scar to this day. Worst day ever.” -jocy_villas

This story will make you think twice about sitting in a truck bed.

“I would sit in the back of my dad’s truck when I was little and I slid off the truck because I didn’t want to jump. But there was piece of the metal sticking out and it cut the bottom of my butt cheek. It wasn’t until I felt my pants wet that I noticed it cut me and I’m looking at my hand with blood running to my mom telling her I cut my butt cheek. I still have the scar.”-gabby.ml

LOL, this one which features a lesson for chismosas.

“I was being chismosa and looking out the window at 1 am. I was crawling on my knees so the Calle wouldn’t see me peaking out & lost balance, slipped and busted the center of my brow. Required 6 sutures. I try to mind my own business now.”- _ashleyalonso_

Yikes! This crazy story about the sleep dust you get in your eyes in the morning.

“Ummmn. I sliced my leg with a dust pan requiring 21 stiches. I also had to go to the UC because I got the morning crust on my eye stuck deep in my eye. I had 2 medical staff working on my eye. 🤦only me.”- medusahiggins

I bet she’ll never curse in front of kids again…

“Wearing wedges, leaving soccer practice with my kids & mom when I saw this stupid rock in the middle of the field in the one spot that was all dirt, I managed to declare “out loud to the rock…,” you f#!*’n rock!” Had time to see the rock but not avoid said rock. Of course, I stepped on the rock & because I was wearing wedges, I face planted in the dirt patch, in front of all the kids & their parents…kicked up a nice dust cloud around me and just could not stop laughing at myself on the ground! 😄 My mom also took the time to point out as she walked over me, “oh look you fell.” All parents must of thought I was nuts…” –tkitty1969

Who knew breaking your foot while standing was even possible?

“One time I was at a house party, DRUNK dancing to the song “We like to party” like the six flags theme song and decided to sit down for a sip of my drink. When I tried to stand back up to dance some more, I felt my foot crack. Thought it was weird for a second, tried to walk, couldn’t. Turns out I broke my foot standing up 😅 I hate myself.” –nursehai_

And this mistake which is sadly so relatable.

“I broke my foot because I was dancing. And one of my wife’s tios trying to join me and lost his footing so he ended up kinda tackling me. And so all of his weight and my weight came down on my left foot so I ended up breaking three bones off my foot. Yeah I still tell him ima send him the medical bill when I see him at the pedas.” – theycallmefurr