Friday the 13th is one of the most mystical days on the calendar, especially according to our Latino family. Today, everything is out to get you or change your destiny, so you have to be careful. 

We all grew up with Abuela, who imparted her wisdom on all the things you should or shouldn’t do when it comes to luck. So, as we venture into a day that feels like something abuelas everywhere dread, let’s do a quick refresher on ways that you can keep yourself safe.

Don’t put your purse or wallet on the floor

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

Nothing is worse than being doomed to bad luck with money, and in this economy, you want to make sure you hold on tight to your finances. 

It is never a good idea to place your purse or wallet on the floor, even when things are at their best. 

Given the day and the vibes that come with Friday the 13th, let’s be mindful about where we place our purses and wallets today, mi gente.

This Friday the 13th, refill that glass of water under the bed

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

Hopefully, you already know that keeping a glass of water under the bed is one of the most powerful ways of keeping that bad juju at bay. 

If you don’t know this, read a book and get your caca together. 

For those of you who already know the power of a simple glass of water, today would be a great day to refill it. Also, call your abuela to make sure that you are doing it right. She knows what’s up and how to keep her tesoro safe.

Leave those seashells on the beach, babe

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

Those cute little sea shells you want to bring into your house are best left outside. The shells are home to divine entities that prefer not to be disturbed. 

Decorating your home with them is a big no-no. This kind of behavior will only bring their wrath against you in your house. If you have seashells, you should be very mindful about what might be afoot. 

You should return those seashells to the beach where you found them so you can show the deities that you respect them.

Place a broom upside down behind your front door

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

Evil is everywhere today, and you need to be on guard, especially on a Friday the 13th. One of the best ways to keep your home safe from evil spirits is to place a broom upside down behind your front door. 

According to abuelas everywhere, the broom is the greatest form of protection. The upside-down broomstick sweeps away negative energy and encourages them to leave quickly.

Keep the evil eye away from your babies

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

You must always keep the evil eye away from your baby. On Friday the 13th, it is even more important. Protect the child with everything that you can. 

The evil eye is one of the most malicious things that has happened to humankind for thousands of years.

Be careful out there, mi gente. Today is the day to be diligent with your own protection and well-being.