Indya Moore is like the rest of us. They are in self-isolation because of lockdown measures across the globe. Like millions of people living in the U.S., Moore is personally connected to the COVID-19 crisis because they have family members who are on the frontlines fighting this virus in the hospitals.

Indya Moore wants all essential workers to feel the love during this health crisis.

Health care workers, nursing home staff, grocery store workers, police officers, truck drivers, and so many other people are still working day-to-day to keep society moving. These people are willingly putting themselves in the line of fire to fulfill their duties.

When it comes to nursing, women make up 88 percent of the U.S. nursing workforce. In New York City, Asian, Black, and Latino people make up 70 percent of the essential worker population ranging from transportation to health care workers, according to Buzzfeed News. New York is currently the location of the largest and deadliest outbreak in the world.

For some people, the post is speaking directly to their experience and families.

Credit: giraso1_ / Instagram

Millions of Americans are continuing to go to work to make sure that people can have the food and essential services they need. For some, they have had to fight to get the necessary health precautions from their employers. Workers at Target, Whole Foods, Amazon, Walmart, and more retailers coordinated a major sickout protest to demand changes to their working conditions to make it safer.

Health care workers in New York City are at a much higher risk of contracting the virus than their counterparts around the world.

New York City has reported more than 177,000 cases of COVID-19, more than most countries. NYC has a population of about 8.4 million meaning that 1 in every 47 people have tested positive for COVID-19. At its peak, 573 people died in one day because of COVID-19 in New York City. Currently, there have been more than 13,000 deaths of COVID-19 reported by New York State.

In several cities around the world, people have started nightly celebrations of health care workers.

Los Angeles residents celebrate the health care workers at 8 p.m. PST daily. New York, Vancouver, and other cities have started their own daily health care worker celebrations. It is a daily reminder that those staying home are doing so to fight the virus and show appreciation for the people fighting the battle.

The message of love and care for essential workers is something American families are becoming familiar with.

Credit: marialissa11 / Instagram

Millions of Americans are out working to keep things afloat. Whether it is the grocery store worker stocking shelves or the nurse making sure that patients get their medicine on time, these workers are risking their lives to help us. They have helped us maintain a basic sense of normalcy while the rest of the world grappled with a pandemic.

Thank you to all of the frontline and essential workers doing everything they can to keep us moving forward.

Credit: naina1453 / Instagram

If you know an essential worker, take some time to thank them today and every day. They are doing the work so many people can’t or would refuse to do. More than 1 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and new estimates project that more than 130,000 Americans will die from the virus. The doubling in the projected death rate comes as some states in the southeast have rushed to reopen ignoring guidelines set forth by the U.S. government and global health experts.

As always, familia. Stay safe. Stay home. Practice social distancing. We are in this together.

READ: A Young Mother With COVID-19 In Chicago Dies After Emergency C-Section