Bryan Stalyn Chiluisa Serrano is an energetic Latino thriving in the heart of London, England. He’s become an online sensation by offering an enticing glimpse into his life within this vibrant city.

On his TikTok account under the name @rayanoficialec, the 30-year-old Ecuadorian shows the exterior and interior of the house he shares with his girlfriend and her family.

In the clip, he explains that in the neighborhood where they live, all the facades of the residences are very similar, and at first, he even got confused and didn’t know how to distinguish his house.

In an interview with mitú, the TikToker shared that, much like countless other Latinos, he ventured out of his comfort zone to raise money to return to his home country soon and invest.

“My goal is not to live here; on January 3rd of next year, I will return to Ecuador again to continue searching for my dream.” For him, creating music.

Rayan explains that because he lives in London with his girlfriend’s family, he does not pay rent but helps with household expenses

Rent represents a significant portion of the paycheck in this European nation. According to reports in The Guardian, average monthly rents reached a record £2,501 in the first quarter of 2023. Nevertheless, Rayan is taking full advantage of the hospitality of his partner’s family and saving money.

“At the moment, I don’t pay rent since I live with my girlfriend’s family,” he explains. “I only contribute to food and small expenses.”

For Rayan, the most significant challenge lies not only in the high cost of living and the occasionally demanding routine of working as a hotel server but also in enduring the cold, dark winters and the separation from his loved ones, particularly during the holiday season.

Regarding the Latino community in the country, he expresses that even with the limitations of the language, Latinos stand out.

“We Latinos have made a wonderful community. There are no flags here, and we are a single fist from Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, etc. We share as if it were one country,” he said.

He mentioned that Elephant and Castle serve as a gathering spot for all Latinos, which has helped him and others feel close to home.

The viral video has sparked reactions from social media users, who are comparing his lifestyle to Harry Potter

Rayan’s story has touched countless users of all nationalities on TikTok, not only because of his charisma and humbleness but also his bravery and resilience.

Many point out that the small bedroom, previously a storage cellar, seems like a ‘matchbox’ or reminds them of the fictional character of Harry Potter, who lived in a small closet under the stairs of Vernon y Petunia Dursley, his uncle and aunt. 

“It’s Harry Potter style,” commented one user. Another one wrote: “Harry Potter has more space.”

Some encourage him to continue fighting for his dreams and admire his intelligence and economic decisions.

“Well, friend, raise the capital and return to your country, great sacrifice. Don’t let the negative comments catch you. In a few years, tremendous results,” shared a user.

Meanwhile, others point out that his place looks like any other expensive apartment in American cities.

“His room looks like a New York room for $2000,” another person said.

When we asked Rayan about being called ‘Latino Harry Potter,’ he found it funny and endearing:

“I like it a lot. People are too clever, and they are right. It looks like Harry Potter’s house,” he concluded.