An image of an 83-year-old Argentine man watching the World Cup from a store display facing the street has gone viral on Twitter, amassing more than 75,000 likes. The user, @todaboluda, posted the image on December 14 with the caption, “I need us to give him a TV. come on @fravegaonline,” the store where the man watched the game.

Frávega steps in to offer up a TV

Frávega responded to the original tweet, explaining that they’d contacted the man, Carlos, to give him a new TV. The user who posted the original image updated followers on their correspondence with Frávega. Soon after, the user posted a video of Carlos walking with two employees carrying the TV out of the store.

Carlos tells his story

In an interview with Ahora Entre Ríos, Carlos says he likes watching the games there because he doesn’t have cable and the store is only 40 meters from his house. Not only that, “it has a super big screen, it has an advantage, it’s like being on the court,” he said.

Carlos also reveals that the lawn chair he sits in while watching the games belonged to his mother. “It brought me luck,” he said.

The 83-year-old Argentine man doesn’t just choose to watch the games alone, he actually prefers it. “[I could] watch the game at someone’s house if I wanted to, but I enjoy it by myself,” he said. Elsewhere in the interview, he reveals that most of his friends have already passed away.

Even though Carlos has his new TV, he’ll be watching the World Cup finals in his usual spot outside the store. “What I least thought is that it was going to have such an impact,” he said. Carlos never meant to become an overnight celebrity. He just wanted to watch the game.