In news that is shocking yet unfortunately commonplace, a migrant named Mauricio was found unresponsive and about to die in the Arizona desert.

As reported by Univision, the man walked through the desert for a total of six days and had not drank a sip of water in two days. Surviving on just one apple a day, Mauricio eventually could not go on, collapsing in the desert.

As Mauricio describes, he was ready to surrender to immigration, and even lit a fire in the desert in hopes of being found. It did not work — but miraculously, Tucson Border Patrol agent Jesús Vasavilbaso explains they were called to the area to look for other people that had called 911. While driving, Border Patrol found Mauricio collapsed on the desert ground.

The migrant was asked several questions in Spanish when found, such as “How are you, sir?” and “What is your name?” but remained unresponsive and could not reply. The man explains that after walking for days, he “fainted” and “does not remember anything.”

Mauricio explains that it was his third attempt crossing the border, and pleads with other people to not do the same. Saying, “I ask you please, we should be satisfied with what we have,” he was deported back to his country. 

Meanwhile, Border Patrol agents and paramedics described how many people die in the Arizona desert — a tragic fact that only continues to escalate.

Last month, 12 News reported the death of Colombian migrant Juan Carlos Rivera who died near the Arizona border.

There are a “record-breaking” number of deaths at the southern border, with 650 people dying migrating to the U.S. in 2021 alone. This is related to strict U.S. border laws, such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy which sends Mexican asylum seekers back to their home country to wait — leaving them susceptible to kidnapping, abuse, and more