The pandemic is forcing everything to go online and that includes the UnidosUS 2020 Annual Conference. The conference is happening from July 27-28 and will include panels for politicians, activists, and journalists. The Virtual Marketplace will follow July 29-30 to replace the National Latino Family Expo.

The UnidosUS conference is happening and you can take part for free.

Latino leaders will be joining various panels to talk about the things that matter to Latinos. The conference is free and open to anyone with an Internet connection who wants to listen in on the discussions that are touching on subjects and discussion pertinent to the Latino community.

“We did not come to this decision lightly, but it has become clear that, in the face of an unprecedented situation, we needed to make this difficult decision to transition our Annual Conference into a virtual event,” UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía said in a statement when the virtual conference was announced. “Our experience in the past few weeks shows that our community is still looking for an opportunity to connect, even if it is online, and we are confident that this virtual event will allow more people the opportunity to access the largest national convening of Latinos in the country.”

The conference is covering a lot of topics that are pressing for community members.

The conference is bringing together Latino minds and voices to speak on things ranging from the economy to health care to candidates fighting for our community. During two days, the Latino community will have a chance to hear how those leading the community are ready to get things done.

One of the first events is a conversation with Senator Elizabeth Warren.

The U.S. is facing a long road to economic recovery. COVID-19 has been devastating and the financial injuries to the Latino community are big. It is going to take a lot of action and bold leadership to lead that recovery.

Continuing that conversation is “The State of Latinx America.”

Each state has had a different response for COVID-19 because the federal government never developed a national plan. Now, Latinos in different states are facing different consequences. However, one thing is for sure, COVID-19 has done truly devastated us. Latinos are the most impacted population and we have the furthest to go in recovering.

And, of course, some phenomenal Latinas are coming together to show the fierce mujeres out there.

Trailblazers in their field will discuss the road to success. Being Latina comes with the largest pay gap and it is important to know how we can overcome. Let’s teach you how to make things work for you.

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