Ever since he can remember, Jesús Morales has had a love for street vendors.

“I couldn’t see a street vendor and not ask my parents to buy me something whether it be ice cream or papitas,” Morales tells mitú.

But at the time, Morales didn’t know that years later, after being furloughed from his job during a pandemic, he would tremendously impact the families of the street vendors he admired so much as a kid.

After being laid off from his job, like many, Morales began making TikTok videos on his @juixxe account as a form of entertainment. His growing fanbase started recognizing him as the guy who wore funny objects to stores such as pot lids and watermelons instead of face masks. 

Months after his experimental phase on Tiktok, Morales was inspired by creators @LexyLately and @Get.it.like.v to record himself leaving a $100 tip to a local street vendor. This gesture was only the beginning of his movement on Tiktok. Morales would eventually raise more than $131,000 in donations and garner over 1.2 million followers and over 38 million likes on the video platform.

“The reaction from my local street vendor was just so heartwarming,” Morales tells mitú.

“As an adult $100 isn’t much, but the fact that [the vendor] was so grateful for those $100 was what really inspired me. I loved that moment so much that I wanted to do it over and over again for many others.”

The joy Morales brought the street vendor with just $100 created a drive in Morales to give back even more to these vendors. Impressed by Morales’ generosity, his followers on Tiktok started asking how they too could be part of this selfless act. At the enthusiasm of his followers, Morales opened a Venmo and Cashapp account for his followers to contribute donations for street vendors. Soon, Morales went from $100 to $500 and even $20,000 donations thanks to the funds that were coming into his accounts from his followers. Morales has not only inspired others to pay it forward to the most vulnerable in their communities but he has also raised awareness of the lives and stories of the street vendors in the Southern California region.

“The Hispanic street vendor community is often overlooked and these are hardworking individuals who come in day in and day out to be able to provide whether it be for themselves or for their family,” Morales tells mitú. “Every vendor has a purpose and a reason for why they’re selling.”

Morales hopes to continue helping street vendors and his goal is to raise $1 million for street vendors.

He also has plans to grow his brand to help people of all backgrounds and ethnicities in order to make a positive difference in the world. 

“People forget what kind of difference you can make when you purchase something from a street vendor,” Morales tells mitú. “Whether it be two, thee dollars, you’re helping them provide for themselves and their families.”

To show some of the great work Morales has done, here are some of his best and most touching videos. Get your tissues ready, because the reactions you’ll see will definitely get you in your feels.

Surprising a tamale lady and her son:


She was so shocked 🥺🙏🏽 #juixxe

♬ The Wisp Sings – Winter Aid

In this video, Morales surprises a tamale street vendor outside of Walmart with a $1,000 donation. You can hear her cute son screaming ‘tamales’ in the beginning and her reaction to the donation is priceless.

Morales has also been a champion of helping street vendors who were senselessly attacked get back on their feet:


Still doing the Venmo challenge for this street vendor until Tuesday night! 🙏🏽 #Juixxe #StreetVendor #VenmoChallenge

♬ оригинальный звук – lim.

During the pandemic, videos went viral where street vendors are seen being attacked. One of those viral videos captured some men harassing Jesús. Morales was able to track him down and talk to him about the incident he had just gone through. “I thought I was going to get assaulted,” the vendor says. “I haven’t sold since that day.” With the help of his followers, Morales raised $20,000 for Jesús. Jesús’ reaction in the video below is so heartwarming. He’s grateful and even says that “there is a song that says money isn’t everything, but the blessings and the hugs, that is what really matters.” That quote alone speaks volumes to the humility of all street vendors. 

Some vendors can’t believe the genorosity of Morales and his followers:


He thought I was joking 🥺 #juixxe

♬ Steven Universe – L.Dre

Morales offers to buy all 40 elotes for $80 from a 77-year-old elotero, but instead surprises him with $1,000. Morales always makes it clear that these funds don’t come from him but from donations from his followers on social media.

Even a little rain can’t stop Morales from acts of kindness and the recipients are moved to tears:

Who doesn’t love a churro in the evening after la cena? Morales surprised a couple selling churros. They were expecting him to give them $8. She is in disbelief of the kind deed and continues asking “No, de verdad?” as Morales gives her the money.

Some of the best reactions are from street vendors who can’t believe they’re seeing hundred dollar bills fall into their hands:


When he said “pa la renta” 🥺 #juixxe

♬ Home – Edith Whiskers

The $4 payment for an elote turned into a $1,000 donation for this local street vendor who sells out of a shopping cart. When he is offered the donation he says “I don’t know if to accept it or not.” As Morales leaves he says, “dinero para la renta.”

This woman immedately thanks Morales for his donation and after a few tears, she turns to her young son for a hug *you might need a tissue for this one*:

As this flower vendor prepares to go home, Morales surprises her and her son with the $1,000. As she receives it she immediately breaks down into tears and says “I was asking God for a sign,” she says. “I would tell him to show me that he’s with me.” The shot of her hugging her son at the end is everything.

Most of these vendors have never received such a large gift and their reaction leaves them speechless, like this woman:

If you’re ever in the L.A. area, you must have come across many hot dog street vendors. This vendor got emotional as soon as Morales gives her the money and says that nobody has ever gifted her that and mentions that it is a “milagro de Dios”.

To learn more about Morales and his contributions to street vendors, check him out on Tiktok at @juixxe.