There are protests against police brutality taking place across the world. The death of George Floyd sparked global anger about how people are treated by police officers. In Oaxaca, the people offered a touching tribute to a young boy killed by police.

This was the scene of a funeral in Oaxaca, Mexico honoring a teenage boy.

The young boy, identified as Alexander Martinez, was killed by municipal police in Oaxaca. Martinez was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Mexico and had been back in Oaxaca for four years. The young boy was a soccer player with a promising future.

People immediately took notice of the phrase over the goal.

Martinez’s teammates gave him a chance to score one last goal before being buried. The team met at the field where they played and he scored one last goal.

People who have seen the tweet are stricken with the irony that the goal has the words “Un Gonierno para Todos.” This translates to “A Government for Everyone.” The boy’s death, to some people, proves the hollowness of the slogan.

People are comparing this young man’s death to the death of George Floyd.

While the circumstances are much different, people are angered that the young boy was killed by the police for no reason. There is no concrete explanation as to why Martinez was shot.

It has been reported that Martinez and a friend were at the convenience store buying a soda when they were shot by police. People believe that it was a case of mistaken identity turned deadly when the boys ran from police who were shooting from a squad car.

The tribute is a touching example of athletics for some.

The video is very emotional. After the goal is scored, the teammates rush the coffin and pile on top grieving for their friend’s untimely death.

Rest in peace, Martinez.

Our thoughts are with your friends and family.

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