It’s spook time!

Sure, spookier things have happened this year but we’re still willing to embrace the Halloween season as the scariest part of 2020. Even this year. To get into the mood, we’re reflecting on times when things tend to get spookiest: when we were all alone and at home. Check out some scariest things

We scoured the Reddit pages and found various prompts asking users:

And the answers gave us chills!

Check them out below!

“I was home alone at age 19 in 2009 im now 29 have my own kids and i tell this story my roomates in collage went to calfronia for 2 weeks i had a hamster and he died in 2015 🙁 so i was home alone then i heard a bang bang bang on my window i think its someone drunk cause people had LOTS of partys there. then it gets louder BANG BANG BANG BANG!! my hamster Woke the heck up! poor hamster then my window was broken open then i had a huge metal baseball bat and whacked the heck out out of the intruder i called the cops my 911 was 999 the cops come with me haveing the intruder tied up like one of those scenes in a kidnaping movie they had to put me in cuffs to get me away from the intruder i sat in the officers car turns out it was a guy in is mid or early 30s, he escaped the physc ward stole a crowbar and got in to the places where the dorms are. I lived in the bad area in a community collage I and my parents were poor at the time. we almost had no pennies, Btw: i did Really freak out at that moment when that guy came in my fight and flight kicked and i wasnt, leaveing my hamster behind! thanks for looking at my true story of how a 19 year old male in england almost Craped himself! ladies and gents have a great day.”-ihateEps

“A car illegally parked under my bedroom window in a dark alley when I was living in the bad part of MTL. The cops told me they’d get it towed as it offered a perfect way to easily climb through my window. They didn’t act fast enough and that same night I heard a sound while in the living room. I glanced down the hall to my bedroom and could clearly see a guy crawling through the window. I grabbed a frying pan from the counter and hit him straight in the face with it. He fell back onto the car roof and ran away. The police didn’t find him. And I moved.”- lady888

“Raccoon crawled in my chimney, broke the ceiling, looked at me and hissed. I opened my room door and led it downstairs and opened the front door. It ran into the street and then tripped, looking like f***in Sonic.”-skyv_welshek

“lived alone in an apartment on the second floor. One night at about 2 a.m. I wake up to the sound of shattering glass. I go and look out the window and there’s a guy trying to break in downstairs. The person who lived in that apartment was in her 80s and totally blind. I called 911 in a total panic and watched the guy run off into the woods. But the scariest part for me was that I had taken Ambien and was convinced the guy was Charles Manson…

(The police caught the guy. He went to jail. The lady was in the hospital at the time.)”- squirrelgirl219

“This was something that startled me more than terrified me. I went into my garage to get something when suddenly I hear this commotion in the corner, next to my tools. I went over to investigate and shuffled the tools a bit, and then almost shit myself. A bunch of bunnies darted from underneath the tools and ran in different directions all over the garage. I almost had a heart attack. I opened the garage’s door and they all managed to scatter and find their way outside. This obviously can’t match up to what most people have posted here, but it really spooked me at the time.”- toyou123

“The very first summer I was “old enough” to be home alone during the summer, I was in my room watching TV and being generally lazy when my room was enveloped in this bullet quick flash of light(ning) and what followed was to date the loudest noise I have ever heard. An explosion that shook my house. I was shook for a good few minutes after that thunder roared. But I stayed in bed.

Well, after a few minutes, I started to notice something outside of my window. It looked like a cloud creeping over my house. I couldn’t piece together what it was, so I left my room and started to head downstairs. That’s when I saw the emergency lights all flashing off the portraits at the bottom of the stairs.

When I got downstairs, there was only one view from the windows at the front of the house: the neighbors’ house across the street, almost completely engulfed by flames.

I’m convinced no ghost or thief or thing that goes bump in the night is half as scary as the powerlessness I felt when I realized a storm can just randomly erase your house from the foundation up, and there’s not shit you can do about it. And if the fire is big enough, there’s not shit your neighbors can do about it either. I called my mom in a panic, worried the storm (which was still lingering) would hit our house next or something.”-Caruthers

“In University, one night my friends all went out partying and I stayed at home because I was broke. A few minutes after taxis picked up the guests, the letterbox was banged a few times. Me, being upstairs, ignored it, assuming it was somebody messing around (I lived in a student area, it wasn’t uncommon.)

Five minutes after that, there were five massive bangs at the door. I screamed and ran downstairs to see our front door hanging wide open. Called the police, apparently there had been a spate of break ins that week and the letterbox banging was to check if someone was in who would come outside. Shook me right to my core, that did.” –creaturebibi

“I woke up to my stalker in my bed..just watching me sleep. I screamed and she jumped through my bedroom window which had been opened by her… she was caught and I very quickly and discreetly moved after that.”-BANINJACAKES

“In college my live-in boyfriend had gone out with friends for an evening. I started to have a tingly feeling in my hand that wouldn’t go away. Then the tingling spread up my arm to the entire right side of my body. Called my mom because I was getting freaked out and started slurring my speech and forgetting words (on the tip of my tongue but couldn’t remember the specific word). We both recognize this as stroke symptoms and I call 911.

Next thing I know there are fire fighters, paramedics, and police at my house as well as my aunt and boyfriend that my mom had called.

Turned out it was an atypical migraine and I was fine, but thinking I was having a stroke while home alone was terrifying. I still get nervous when I’m home alone or driving alone even though multiple doctors have said it’s a freak thing that probably will never happen again.”-pixel-dirt\

“When I was at uni, my housemates and I lived in a really sketchy area. One weekend, all three of them were away and I was home alone. Shortly after going to bed, I was woken out of a dead sleep to a sound I couldn’t place. There was banging (not the good kind), crashing, and all sorts of commotion coming from the top floor. Definitely someone or something up there.

I happened to have a butterfly knife in my bedside cabinet (night stand) and grabbed it, deciding I would be brave and deal with the problem. I was a short, skinny 19 year old woman with no strength. Also no clothing, because I didn’t think to get dressed with all the adrenaline.

Crept up the stairs and discovered the noise, which was getting louder and more frantic, was coming from my housemate’s room. Called out, no answer. Eventually plucked up the courage to turn the door handle, stepped back and nudged the door with my foot, only to have whatever was in that room come flying straight out at me.

Literally flying. It was a f***ing pigeon. Took a couple of hours to get the f***ing thing out of the window that had been left open and then calm down enough to go back to bed.

So it turned out not to be a scary thing, but the whole process of trying to find out who/what was in my house was pretty terrifying while it was happening.” – pinkundine

“I put my nine month old son to bed, went to the living room, and turned on the baby monitor. As soon as it comes on I see a dude hunched over his crib. I guess when I turned it on it loaded the image from when it was last on, which was me bending over the crib. The image was only on the screen for one second while it updated, but I nearly shit myself in that one second.”- notinadayswork

“This just happened to me just last week. I was talking on the phone while laying across the couch with my head in the arm of the couch. It was completely dark outside. There’s a window not a foot behind my head. Someone came up to the window and knocked hard four times on it. Of course I screamed like a banshee. I ran like an idiot to lock everything up, and then I checked outside to find nothing. Our cameras caught nothing. Turns out they also broke into my car (which was out of sight of the cameras). I’ve come to wonder if they were going to break into the house only to hear a shrieking person on the other side.”- BigFatFerret

“We live in a nice upper-middle class suburb in Ohio. Last April a 6’4” 300lb dude walked in my front door and started telling me “I know what you did to your wife” and then tried to get me to drive him somewhere, literally anywhere. Then he started talking a bunch of nonsense ranging from completely nonsensical phrases to uber-religious nonsense about the end of days. My son got home from school while I was dealing with this and I had him call 911 and run to his friends house (I had left my cellphone out of reach). The cops finally came and arrested him and took him straight to the hospital.

I was able to follow up with the police and the guy’s mom a few days later when she came to pick up his truck. Apparently he has a history of mental issues and was septic which made his mental break worse. The police asked if I wanted to press charges since it was legally a burglary and I obviously declined because the guy clearly didn’t have any kind of nefarious motive. My son still has some issues dealing with it and gets kind of paranoid when left home alone, he’s 13. It was that moment for him when you realize that you’re not immune to bad things happening.”- ___cats___

“Heavy storming while I was at home by myself knocked out the power and I opted to sleep on my upstairs couch instead of my room because my walls are painted dark colors so when its pitch black you cant see your hand in front of your face. My upstairs couch faces the staircase connecting the up and downstairs parts of the house. Im eyeing at the stairs for hours when I hear a faint female voice. I didnt know what it said but it continued talking almost as if it was having a conversation but very sporadic. It stopped after about two hours and I went to sleep at some point. Woke up and investigated my house…turns out it was our Alexa asking to be reconnected…”-ItsDSwizzy

“It was like 1 or 2 in the morning and I was watching TV in my room. Out of no where I heard a loud crashing boom sound. I woke up my dad and told him something must have hit the side of the house since my room vibrated it a little. We went outside and saw nothing. The only problem was my cat was on the roof and we have no idea why or how she went up there. We got her down and took her inside. I still don’t know what happened.”-AdreanKrishan

“Police breaking in at about 2am when I was asleep after a prank call from someone. I am shit scared of someone breaking in so you can imagine my horror seconds before they came into my bedroom, seeing 2+ torchlight shining under my door as I woke from the sound of them creeping up the stairs.”-SquidgeSquadge

“I was in 4th grade when I thought a man broke into my house. I use the word thought because a man was definitely in my house, but he was allowed to be there lol.

I stayed home from school sick, had a fever, and my mom took me to the doctor. Got antibiotics and we lived in such a small town, mom asked if I wanted to stay home while she ran back to the pharmacy to get my meds. It was 5 minutes from the house, I told her I’d be fine on the couch. Also, early 90’s so no cell phones and we had one house phone in the kitchen.

She left. A few minutes later our doorbell rang. I looked out the window and saw a man, and I assumed he’d leave if no one answered, I saw the door was locked so I started walking back to the couch. But I had a bad feeling, so I’d already taken off my shoes (so he couldn’t hear me walking) and I stepped in the doorway of our stairs that go to the basement and waited. I heard him turning the knob, and walked down a few steps. Then he opened the door and I bolted down to the basement. I could hear him walking above me. Our basement had doors that went to our backyard, so I went outside. It was 40 degrees, raining, and I had a temp of 105. As I was standing in the side yard, in my pjs and socks looking at all the houses around us and trying to remember who had little kids and would be home, my mom drove up. She was immediately asking what the f*** I was doing and all I could do was cry and point at our house saying, “a man is in there! The man!”

Cue laughter. She walks in, dude was very confused why the lights and tv were on and no one was home. Since she was taking care of me, she’d forgotten that she scheduled a meeting with an appraiser because (unknown to me at the time) we were moving to another state and they were selling our house. He had a key. Funny now, f***ing horrifying at the time.”-HailLordKrondor