One couple got the surprise of a lifetime during a routine ultrasound after their unborn daughter flashed a peace sign to her parents and the ultrasound technician. The baby threw up the deuces in Hammond, Indiana at St. Catherine Hospital. Her parents, Kyle and Abigail Weener, could not believe what they were seeing.

The unborn baby says hello to her parents in style

Speaking to local outlet KTLA 5, Kyle said, “The staff said they have never seen anything like this before.” He added the fact that they told him it was a unique situation. “The tech was looking around, watching things — and all of sudden these two fingers popped right up,” he said.

It’s rare that a child has the ability to communicate with their parents prior to birth. But the Weener family, who plans to name their daughter Ellie, had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to say hello to their little one… and to have the little one say hello back.

The Weeners already have two children and Ellie’s peace sign has only reaffirmed Kyle’s faith in God and the beauty that comes with starting a family. “It’s a great reminder that God is building this little being inside my wife,” he said.

According to his Facebook page, Weener is a principal at Highland Christian School in Indiana.

Additionally, he owns and operates Weener Vacation Properties as well as Weener Realtors & Property Management. In the original Facebook post where Weener posted the picture of the ultrasound, he wrote, “31 weeks in and Ellie’s living her best life! Peace out!”