When it comes to the election Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump wants it all over and done with like the rest of us.

The 71-year-old Czech-American businesswoman and media personality is speaking out after her ex-husband vocalized his decision to not accept the recent results of the presidential election which have seen a Joe Biden victory. Instead, the president has insisted he will move forward with a series of lawsuits aimed at the states where he lost including Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Speaking about her ex-husband, with whom she remains close, Ivana described Trump as “not a good loser.”

“I just want this whole thing to be over with, one way or the other,” Ivana told People in a recent magazine interview. “I really don’t care.”

Referring to her ex, who has claimed without evidence that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him, Ivana said “He’s not a good loser… He doesn’t like to lose, so he’s going to fight and fight and fight.”

While Trump’s supporters have continued to back his allegations of fraud, various media sites and former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter have recognized President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s election as valid. Even 2012 Republican presidential nominee Sen. Mitt Romney congratulated Biden for his win.

World leaders like U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have also acknowledged and congratulated Biden on his win.

Ivana went on to share that when it comes to the loss her three children with her ex-husband — Eric, Donald Jr., and Ivanka — are doing “fine.”

Still, as a mother, Ivana said that she’s excited for her children to move away from Washington, D.C.

“I just want them to be able to live their normal lives — normal lives,” she explained. “Not the Washington life and all that, just in New York or wherever they’re going to be and just live their normal lives.”

“I think they enjoyed being around Donald and running the election and seeing what will happen, but now it is — thank god — over,” Ivana went onto share. “I’m not really sure what they are going to be up to.”

According to People “A source close to Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, both of whom are senior White House aides, had only rosy projections to make: ‘Back of the envelope, the opportunities that are available to them — without getting too much in the weeds — it’s obvious they can be in control of the Republican Party for decades or they can do international work or business.'”

When it comes to Trump, Ivana says that she predicts he’ll be over politics once he’s done with his protests.

“I don’t think he has a choice,” Ivana said. “He’s going to go down to Palm Beach and play golf and live the normal life, I think. This is the best choice for what he can do.”

She says that, of course, this is once he tunes into reality.

“He has to go and declare that he lost. But he hates to be a loser, that I’m sure of,” she replied. “But if he loses, he loses. He has plenty of money, places to go and live in and enjoy his life.”