In her latest effort to throttle the Black Lives Matter movement, Beyoncé is demanding justice.

Over the weekend, the music artist called on Kentucky’s attorney general in an open letter to bring justice to Breonna Taylor and “demonstrate the value of a Black woman’s life.”

In an open letter to Attorney General Daniel Cameron published on Sunday, Beyonce demanded criminal charges be brought against the three Louisville Metro Police involved in the recent murder of Breonna Taylor.

At the time of her death, Taylor was a 26-year-old EMT who’d been inside of her own apartment when police broke down her front door in an attempt to conduct a drug raid. She was shot at least eight times after the police intruded her home. The police were investigating two men believed to be selling drugs and had ostensibly been unaware the men were actually already in custody. Taylor’s family’s lawyer has denied that Taylor was ever involved in drug dealing.

In her letter to Cameron, Beyoncé underlined that in the three months since Taylor’s deaths “LMPD’s investigations have created more questions than answers.” She also lampooned the attorney general for aiding an investigation latent with discrepancies in its incident report and claims by the officers involved. She also criticized the general for keeping the officers employed and on LMPD’s payroll.

“Don’t let this case fall into the pattern of no action after a terrible tragedy,” the letter which was signed by Beyoncé and posted to her personal website stated. “Three months have passed — and Breonna Taylor’s family still waits for justice… With every death of a Black person at the hands of the police, there are two real tragedies: the death itself and the inaction and delays that follow it. This is your chance to end that pattern. Take swift and decisive action in charging the officers. The next months can not look like the last three.”

Beyonce made three specific demands at the end of her letter urging the attorney general to”demonstrate the value of a black woman’s life” by:

  1. Bring criminal charges against the three officers involved in Taylor’s killing
  2. Commit itself to transparency in the investigation and prosecution of the officers involved
  3. Investigate the LMPD’s response to the shooting

“Don’t let this case fall into the pattern of no action after a terrible tragedy,” she wrote at the end of the letter.

On Sunday, the Kentucky attorney general’s office addressed Beyonce’s letter in a statement saying “We are aware of the letter. As the letter makes requests related to the ongoing investigation involving the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor, we have no further comment.”

Beyoncé honored Taylor on her Instagram page with a post that commemorated what would have been Taylor’s 27th birthday, earlier this month.

“Justice for Breonna. Click the link in my bio to take action,” the singer wrote in her post honoring the EMT.

Lonita Baker, Taylor’s family lawyer, expressed gratitude for the activism of stars like Beyoncé in regards to calling for justice for her client.

“It has been more than 3 months since Breonna was murdered. Her killers are still in uniform,” Baker said in a statement to CNN. “Meanwhile, Atlanta’s mayor yesterday called for immediate termination of their officer, and criminal charges have been filed in Minnesota and Georgia. Here, we cannot even see an investigative file. It is time that our elected leaders, including Mayor Greg Fischer and AG Daniel Cameron, stop hiding behind the guise of a botched investigation and do the right thing.”