Updated August 5, 2020.

Beirut, Lebanon was rocked with a massive explosion near the city’s port. The explosion shook the country’s capital Tuesday. Social media was filled with videos showing the explosion at different angles.

Residents of Beirut, Lebanon are shaken after a devastating explosion that rocked the city.


The explosion happened near the cities port and was felt for up to 6 miles from the epicenter. It is unclear what caused the explosion but videos captured show a blast that caused utter devastation in the immediate area surrounding the explosion.

The explosion has destroyed the city’s only port.

For those who were outside of the initial blast zone, the explosion shook apartments and shattered windows. According to media reports, some suspect the blast to have originated from a fireworks warehouse.

Hospitals are filled with injured people.


The Lebanese Red Cross shared with The New York Times that all available ambulances from North Lebanon, Bekaa, and South Lebanon are being deployed to help with the overwhelming casualties.

The explosion has devastated the waterfront during an economic crisis that has left the nation tense.

The explosion on the waterfront was near the prime minister’s residence of Grand Serail palace as well as universities and landmarks. The exact number of deaths is not known but is currently at 25 and the number of those injured is being reported at 2,500.

Lebanon is currently struggling with a widespread economic crisis. Millions of Lebanese people are suffering as the economy implodes. Towards the end of last year, people in Lebanon were on the streets protesting against the government’s actions that led to the economic collapse. Then, the country was hit with Covid-19, which forced many out of work. Now, the country is grappling with an unexpected explosion.

Beirut might be struggling to piece itself back together but there are ways you can help. Below is a list of organizations providing aid for those hit by the explosion in Beirut.

Save The Children

For over 60 years, Save The Children has worked in Lebanon to help children and young adults. The organization helps support the country by providing access to education, health, and food assistance. Check out the site here.

Beit el Baraka

Beit el Baraka is a Beirut-based non-profit that supports families and the elderly in Lebanon. After the recent explosion in Beirut the organization set out to help repair and rebuild homes damaged in the blast. Check out the site here.

Lebanese Red Cross

The Lebanese Red Cross provides Lebanon with most of its ambulances. It has over 300 ambulances and 3,000 emergency medical technicians. You can donate and support the Lebanese Red Cross here.

Islamic Relief Lebanon Emergency Appeal

Islamic Relief Lebanon Emergency Appeal is a charity that offers international aid. It works to provide food, water, and other basic necessities and is setting out to help victims of the explosion. Check it out here.

This is an updating story. Check back as it develops.

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