An 80-year-old Latino ice cream vendor endured terror as a group of men robbed him while working in the streets of Oakland, California.

NBC reported the incident on July 17 in the Fruitvale neighborhood in broad daylight. According to Don Juan, he was selling ice cream on the 3900 block of East 18th Street when he was robbed.

The circulating video from security cameras on social media shows a black car stopping next to him and two armed men taking his belongings.

Don Juan revealed robbers took $120 and it’s the eighth time he’s been robbed

In an interview, the vendor recalled the terrifying assault and requested not to reveal his last name out of fear. He explained it was the eighth robbery he had experienced in the past decade and the third in one week.

Don Juan said when the men exited their car, they warned him not to make sudden movements and showed him their weapons to prevent resistance.

When reporter Andrés Bender asked him about the stolen amount, he disclosed it was $120, emphasizing it was significant to him since he has no savings.

Don Juan admitted to being uncertain about the possibility of returning to street vending. Still, he asserted his autistic son in Peru and his family rely on him for their basic needs.

The police confirmed the victim didn’t sustain any physical injuries and are actively investigating the incident.

The Latino community unites and is offering support to the vendor and his family

Juan Díaz Carazas created a GoFundMe account to help Don Juan and his family cover the rent for the month. The campaign has successfully raised $21,641 so far and hundreds of people are sharing messages of support and solidarity.

Local organizations announced a sale at 3080 E Ninth Street this Saturday, starting at 11 AM. The purpose is to allow people to buy as much inventory as possible and provide additional support.

Some share experiences of how they met Don Juan.

“I have bought ice cream from this lovely man by Lake Merritt and he has told me he walked from Fruitvale by High to get there. He deserves millions,” wrote donor Michelle Rodriguez.

Others hope the authorities find those responsible.

“I am so sorry this is happening. We are all suffering with you…begging the police, DA, Mayor and anyone else in authority to punish all criminals. We have to send a message that robbery and violence are unacceptable,” another supporter of the cause commented.

Many believe that crime is running rampant while politicians are making more money.

“Mayor gets a raise for not doing anything about crime. Meanwhile, crime is out of control with no end in sight. Poor ice cream vendor. Why not hire more police? Find the money,” a user Tweeted.