An interesting series of videos has emerged on TikTok in the last few months, all created by an account called OccasionsByJaz. Jaz calls herself the Latina wedding planner and uses her social media to offer helpful advice on everything a bride-to-be should expect while planning her wedding.

However, a recent collection called “Outdated Latina Wedding Trends” is specifically about what you should not do when planning a Latina wedding. Jaz covers everything from overly-priced and out-of-date design choices to how much wedding etiquette has changed in the last decade or two.

So far, Jaz has posted six videos in this series, each of them offering some pretty solid advice on how to avoid some common pitfalls that go with wedding planning. In the series’ first video, she explains that some young couples are the first in their families to get married in a long time, and often have no idea what’s in or out of style anymore.

Part one

To kick it off, Jaz recommends doing away with cojines. Jaz explains that cojines are most common in Catholic weddings where there is often some kneeling involved, but that ultimately they’re an unnecessary expense and serve no purpose as soon as the wedding is over.

Jaz makes a fair point, especially for couples who are working with a tight budget and can’t afford to spend money on anything more than the essentials. While the cojines may come in handy on the big day, they cost money that’s probably better spent elsewhere.

Part two

Speaking of money, Jaz’s second video on outdated wedding trends focuses on those couples who enlist the help of endless padrinos for their nuptials, noting that a lot of couples still do this today. She prefaces her video by pointing out that, while she’s not judging anybody personally, many guests consider this to be a bit tacky.

If you’re unfamiliar with what a padrino is, since they’re mostly used in Catholic weddings, Brides asked Latina wedding planner Erica Christine for her definition, to which she said, “A padrino or godparent is someone who is essentially promising before God to act as a guide, support system, and mentor in the child’s life.”

And while that’s true, being a padrino also means paying for parts of the wedding, las arras matrimoniales, or even throwing an engagement party. Some Latino couples take it too far, though, and assign padrinos to every single wedding expense imaginable, down to the photographers, DJs and catering. Jaz suggests either not announcing padrinos or keeping to a more modest budget that doesn’t require a roster of family members who are expected to pitch in.

Part three

This portion of the series is a little different because Jaz herself doesn’t think it’s tacky, but a lot of her viewers do. Here, she’s referring to el baile del billete, a Latino tradition that involves the bride and groom dancing with various family members and guests as they tape dollar bills onto the newlyweds.

Jaz says she sees couples across the Latino spectrum sticking with this trend, even the younger couples she works with. Many commenters agreed, saying it wasn’t a tacky tradition and that cultures around the world engage in similar practices. “I plan on doing it! It’s a memory from my childhood. It’s so fun,” said one comment.

Part four

Jaz brings up recuerdos, or a little parting gift; another Latino wedding tradition that she doesn’t personally find to be outdated, even if a lot of other couples might. She points out that at Latino weddings, recuerdos are tradition and guests expect them.

Jaz also mentions that, even though many other TikTok videos tell couples to steer clear of the recuerdos, there are ways to do it that won’t feel outdated. Even though some specific items won’t be well-received, Jaz says there are a number of memorable tokens of appreciation to give your guests, especially since all the tías and abuelas will keep them displayed forever.

Part five

This section applies to all weddings, Jaz says. She explains that nobody, regardless of culture, should spend their money on a party bus or limo. Jaz says this was a popular trend in the late 90s and early 2000s, but that it isn’t anymore and couples would be better off just saving their money.

This video in particular had a lot of commenters disagreeing with Jaz’s advice. “Honestly I think a party bus is a great idea if you’re gonna be doing an open bar so no one has to drink and drive,” read one comment.

“I have a party bus scheduled because I’ve been in too many weddings where we ‘lose’ people in between ceremony & reception & it messes up the photos,” said another. It seems like this one just boils down to personal preference.

Part six

And lastly, Jaz says to avoid customized wedding flutes and spatulas. She points out that they are functionally useless after the wedding is over and will only collect dust in a cabinet, as hers do. Ultimately, she thinks of them as an unnecessary expense that doesn’t add much to the proceedings.

Instead, she says, couples should think about using the venue’s flutes and decorating them with a little bit of greenery to give them a personal touch. It’s cost-effective, simple and can add a lot to the design of the wedding with minimal effort.

So there you have it! These are the Latina wedding trends to avoid at all costs. Of course, your big day is yours, but if you want to take Jaz’s advice, this is a good list of traditions you’d be better off avoiding.