Myth: All Vegetarians Eat Is Sad Salads And Carrots—Check Out 12 Of The Saddest Vegetarian Meals To Ever Happen

Would You Like A Piece Of Tomato On Your Bread? Or A Plain Bowl Of Rice?—These Have To Be The Saddest Vegetarian Meals To Ever Happen

Depending On Where You Live, It Might Not Be So Hard Eating Vegetarian, But You’ll Still Probably Run Into Meals Like These: The Saddest Veggie Meals To Ever Happen

The biggest misconception about being a vegetarian? That all we eat is sad salads and plates filled with carrots. It’s not true. There’s LOTS of stuff we eat. Most vegetarians are always stuffing their face with varied deliciousness. Because there are SO MANY things that we can eat. Hummus, pizza, fancy pasta. All the stuff regular omnivores eat, just without the bacon on top. So can someone please explain why when we tell people we’re vegetarian, they immediately prepare us something along the lines of these 12 sad meals? Stop the madness. Stop the carb load. Check out these 12 photos to witness some of the saddest vegetarian meals to ever happen.

Airplane Carbs 

Plane meals are always a bit disappointing — even for meat eaters. On this occasion, even the flight crew felt bad for the poor man.  If this isn’t a serious carb load, then what is?  

Broccoli and fries

Many vegetarians have settled for a side order of fries as their main, but with this sad piece of broccoli to boot? Do better.

When the menu says “Toast with Mushrooms”

You must always remember to BYOVB (bring your own vegan burger) to barbecues, otherwise you might get stuck with a piece of toast and literal mushrooms –no seasoning in sight. No thank you.

When the family forgets you’re vegetarian at Christmas dinner 

Another case of BYOVB* because there’s a near 100% chance that you’ll be stuck with 2 vegetarian sides at the family dinner.

A sad vegetarian breakfast

When your only viable option for breakfast is a hashbrown, you load up —and add lots of coffee. 

An epically sad vegetarian lunch option at school

Ahh, nothing like an apple, a banana and an empty hotdog bun to fuel you up after a morning of studies. NOT.

When there are no vegetarian options at the restaurant so rice is all you can have 

Depending on where you live, it might not be so hard eating vegetarian. But you’ll still probably run into situations where your only option is a sad plate of plain rice. Sigh.

Soggy tofu and tomato sauce as the only vegetarian option when eating out

Isn’t eating out fun? The answer is, no, not always. I don’t really know what I would do if I was handed a sliced piece of bland tofu and some tomato sauce. Like, what am I supposed to do with this? 

When the only vegetarian options at Thanksgiving dinner are green beans and potatoes

Personally, this is the most tragic one. There you are, eating your green beans while the rest of the family stuffs their face with all the options. Cries internally.

When sweet potatoes are your only safe option

Always carry a sweet potato, you never know when it might save you from starving. 

We’ve all had to settle for a side salad but COME ON

When grandma has her birthday party and everyone brings food to the barbecue —dang, not even a pasta dish?

Is this a sandwich or a hotdog or both?

This sad excuse for a sandwich –but at least this vegetarian learned his lesson and brought his own damn veggie dog to the cookout.