If you grew up with a Latina mom, you definitely have a bible’s-worth of sayings in your repertoire ranging from “sana, sana colita de rana” all the way to “porque soy tu mamá y punto.”

Latina mom sayings inhabit a world of their own because they are heartwarming and terrifying all at once. We still get flashbacks of our moms telling us, “Espera que lleguemos a casa” after hogging up piñata candy at birthday parties—and we’re scared all over again.

Still, not all Latina mom sayings are scary—some are wise gems we keep like treasured pieces of jewelry passed down from our abuelas and bisabuelas. Where would we be without mami? We have no idea.

That’s why this roundup of relatable sayings is an ode to Latina moms everywhere. And even though our mamis love saying, “Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo,” we have to say, moms win every time.

1. Recuerda: Lo que está pa’ ti, nadie te lo quita

This wise saying translates to: “No one can take away something that’s meant for you.” The dicho is a comforting caldito de pollo for our spirit, as Hispanic moms love using it after breakups or getting a job rejection. And you know what? They’re right.

2. Que chistosita

This saying is typically accompanied by a sarcastic “ja, ja” which shows exactly how funny your mom thinks you are. “Que chistosita” is an ironic way of negating anything you just said. For example, “Mami, I’ll be back at 5 A.M. okay?” After a few seconds of silence, she will probably hit back with, “Ja, que chistosita.”

3. Cuando seas mamá (o papá!) te vas a acordar de mí

Who else remembers being an admittedly annoying teenager and rolling your eyes at your parents’ strict rules? “Don’t come home too late,” “Wear a sweater,” “You’re grounded,” or the worst, “Give me your phone” (a horrifying flashback). At that point, your mom might have told you, “You’ll remember me once you have kids.” As so many parents now know— it’s true.

4. Me duele más a mí que a ti

This is a funny one, at least for anyone that had particularly strict parents that loved bringing out la chancleta. If you were ever punished growing up (and who wasn’t?), you may remember your mom saying, “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” Did the chancleta really hurt you that much, mom?

5. Mientras estés viviendo bajo este techo…

Some sayings extend far beyond Hispanic Mom Land and traverse into the entire universe—this is one of them. Kids in every country have undoubtedly been hit with, “While you’re under my roof…” and we understand why. This saying isn’t debatable—and Latina moms have used it for centuries to avoid kids getting tattoos, piercings, or staying out too late.

6. Te lo digo por tu bien


If you’ve been in a relationship your mom disapproved of, you may have heard this one. “I’m saying it for your own good” is a classic Hispanic mother saying, and even though they do want the best for us—it hurts sometimes. Why do Latina moms have to be so honest? They may not be the best at sugarcoating, but we thank them for most of it now.

7. ¿Qué crees? ¿Qué esta casa es un hotel?

This saying can be switched up for the spicier “Que crees, que esto es un Holiday Inn?” With an occasional honorable mention of, “el Hilton.” In case you were wondering, your family home has never been “un hotel,” and moms love reminding you. Do your own chores and don’t be out too late—mami’s orders.

8. Porque lo digo yo

Sometimes, Latina mom sayings aren’t logical— but they’re so naturally terrifying that they don’t have to. If you dared question your mother’s decision-making growing up, she probably hit back with, “Porque yo lo digo.” That clears things up; thank you! Did you say anything else, though? Didn’t think so.

9. Abrígate bien, si no te vas a enfermar

One question—why are Hispanic moms so obsessed with us bringing a sweater even if it’s 90 degrees? In their eyes, wearing a tank top is a surefire reason for getting sick, even in the thick of summer. “Bye” or “Adiós” is always accompanied by “Abrigate bien,” which explains why we take a sweater everywhere to this day. Old habits die hard.

10. ¿Que tú te crees, que el dinero crece en los árboles?

Wouldn’t it be great if a money tree did exist? Our parents sure thought so but always reminded us it didn’t. Did you want the Gameboy Mary Kate & Ashley game like your friend Maria? The expensive Sims computer game? A shiny remote-control car? “El dinero no crece en los arboles,” but at least our moms let us know that fact early in life.

11. Espera que lleguemos a casa

Quick vote: what is the scariest Latina mom saying ever to exist? Out of all the sayings in her book, we would have to pick this one. Did you embarrass your mom in Toys”R”Us by being un antojado? Or act a bit malcriada at a childhood birthday party? Whatever you did, your mom probably told you in a blood-curdling whisper: “Wait until we get home.” Nightmares.

12. El diablo sabe más por viejo que por diablo


Different from other mom sayings, this one took us a bit longer to fully understand. Now that we’re just a bit on the older side, though—we get it. “The devil knows more for being old than for being the devil” pretty much means that wisdom comes with age. And it does. Of course, just like our Hispanic moms, this saying is dramatic A.F.—which is why we love it today.

13. Cuando tú vas, yo ya fui y vine tres veces

Reasons why our moms always knew when we were scheming, planning to sneak out, or even playing hooky growing up? Because “Just as we were going, they went and returned three times.” In short, moms lived everything we did—and just like elephants, they never forget.

14. ¿Te calmas o te calmo?

This phrase proves most of us have lived the same life. Who else’s mom loved telling them “Te calmas o te calmo” growing up? This saying reminds us of afternoons lost in the Target aisles complaining about something, or maybe even having the audacity to argue punishment. Did the fear it inflicted make us calmer, though? Always!

15. Me lo vas a agradecer algún día

Even though our mami’s constant sayings were equally terrifying and hilarious (but never laugh—trust us!), we will always thank them for their wisdom. If not, maybe we would think money grows on trees, and we surely would have gotten way more colds without our go-to sweater.