Since the dawn of girl math, the internet has been smitten with coming up with various borderline ridiculous ways to do “math.” After that, boy math, Latino math and even girl measuring has surfaced. Finally, we have Latina mom math.

TikToker Jenny Solares created a video poking fun at Latina moms saying things that don’t add up. Solares creates videos covering topics like family, food, health and beauty. Past videos have made fun of the fact that it takes some Latinas so long to clean the house.

Another pokes fun at everything the internet says we shouldn’t eat. In her “Hispanic Mom Math” video, she shares how you can’t go out “two days in a row.” Naturally, her followers and fellow TikTok users had thoughts on the topic. Below, we’ve some of their Hispanic Mom Math suggestions.


They’re mathematicians ✖️➗➕➖🟰

♬ Yacht Club – MusicBox

The confusion of whom to ask for permission to go out

Getting permission as a kid could be like playing a game of chess sometimes — especially when the rules didn’t make sense.

“Hispanic mom math is ‘you need to ask your dad for permission, but you mom still has the last word’ […] I miss that,” one user added.

How you can’t laugh when you’re sick

Being sick called for a somber mood and no games.

Another person asserted, “Girl, don’t forget that if you’re sick or don’t feel good but you laugh, you’re automatically recovered.”

Pre-outing cleanliness


Anyone else still traumatized? I do not ask for permission to go out at this stage in my life but cleaning before going out for drinks really made me feel like I did ! #fyp #mamaslatinas #cleanwithme #weekendvibes

♬ Ovarios – Jenni Rivera

If you had your eye on going out, not only did you need to look clean, but so did your room.

“Dont forget about the cleaning before going out w friends or before any fun event,” someone else noted.

Putting in the work while in the kitchen

Doing the dishes wasn’t simply doing the dishes, it meant the entire kitchen needed to be pristine.

One person commented, “Don’t forget about ‘do the dishes’—-means clean the whole kitchen”

Going out into the world with your faithful protector

And, if by any chance you made it out of the house, you traveled with your trusted companion as a plus one.

“Mom math when they say you can’t go with your friends unless you take your little siblings to protect you,” someone interjected.

Figuring out how to get home

Did mom drop you off? Then you’re gonna have to find a way back.

“Don’t forget that if we go to a friends house, if my mom takes me I have to find a ride back,” one user shared.

Money-saving tips when running errands

Why spend money on fast food that’s not saludable when there’s food at home.

Another person noted, “Hispanic mom math is you can’t ask for food while running errands because en la casa hay frijoles y tortillas [.]”

Shady measuring tactics 

Anyone who has ever asked their mom for a recipe knows that measurements aren’t quantified in cups or ounces but in eyeball measurements.

“Or never measuring ANYTHING when cooking and just eye balling everything,” someone recalled.

The timeliness of her request for help

When a mom asks you for help, it’s on their timeline, not yours.

“Hispanic mom math is her asking for help ‘whenever you have time’ but she really means right now or she’ll do it alone and be mad at you later,” one user added.