7 Reasons to Celebrate Yourself ASAP
Real talk: when you stop to celebrate the little moments in life, you feel so much happier. ¿Apoco no? Whether it’s writing a gratitude list every day or just pausing to cherish a special moment, celebrating the small stuff makes every day feel como un pari.
And every day should be a party! After all, we have so much to be grateful for. Whether it’s our family, our friends, or your fun weekend plans, you’ll never run out of excuses to pop a cork. And what better way to celebrate life than with una copa entre amigos? There’s no better wine to share with friends than a glass of Barefoot Wine.
There’s a reason Barefoot Wine is so popular. Not only is Barefoot Wine suavecito and enjoyable, but it is also the most-awarded wine in the U.S. Barefoot wines are flavorful and approachable, but most importantly, they’re fun–just like life should be.
And just in case you can’t think of something to celebrate with a glass of Barefoot Wine right now, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of 7 things you can celebrate. Salud!
1. You ate a vegetable!
Sure, your diet may have consisted of fast food and candy for the past three days, but today, te aventaste unos nopalitos! Kudos! Cheers to that!
2. You put pants on!
Hey, it’s the pandemic–pants have been optional for over a year now. Give yourself a pat on the back if you decided to go the extra mile and put on some pants today. Bonus points if you squeezed yourself into some jeans – like faja-status.
3. You finally started (and finished) the newest season of that TV show everyone’s been telling you about!
Everyone’s been telling you to watch an amazing new show, but, let’s be real: there are so many shows and so little time. Well, you and your novio finally decided to carve out some time on a Friday to see what it’s about and you ended up watching the whole thing! That’s another item checked off the to-do list. You deserve a glass of Barefoot Bubbly Brut Cuvee as a reward.
4. You finally cleaned out the garage!
Hooray for finally cleaning out the junk very important stuff that’s been sitting in your garage for two years now. Alright, maybe you only tackled a corner, but you’re going to finish the entire project this weekend! (If nothing important comes up…) Relax and pour yourself some Barefoot Moscato. Te lo mereces.
5. You folded laundry!
Your pile of clean clothes has been sitting in the laundry basket for a few days now. You have to point the camera away from that corner of your room when you video-call your amá, because the lecture would be too real. But today, you finally mustered up the energy to fold them. That’s huge. We’ll toast to that!
6. You opened (and responded to!) an email!
You might deserve two drinks for this one. Sometimes just opening your inbox can make you want to crawl under the covers and hide. If you hit “respond” to an email today, you deserve to celebrate with a glass of Barefoot Peach Fruitscato.
7. You gathered with your family over dinner!
¡Buen provecho! You love your family, but it’s been tough to get them all together recently. If you finally were all able to gather in one place at one time, that is definitely a cause for celebration. After all, there is so much to laugh about and celebrate with your familia. Share a bottle of Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon and catch up together.
See? There are a million reasons to celebrate every day (as long as you look for them). From Rosé to Pinot Grigio to Buttery Chardonnay, Barefoot Wine has the perfect selection for any celebration–even the everyday ones. So, raise a glass of Barefoot Wine to celebrate life! You don’t need a reason other than that.