We thought we’d never see the day when pillows with singer Chayanne’s face on them would be trending on the internet, but, here we are.

Honestly, we get it — our abuelas, tías, moms have been obsessed with the “Dejaría Todo” star for decades, and we are, too. Chayanne pillows are a movement, with fans taking their plushies on planes, giving them as Christmas gifts, and snapping photos of them in other countries. Dr. Simi, who?

The singer finally jumped on the trend that’s been brewing for a while

Yesterday, Chayanne gave into social media trend and asked his fans to send photos of their own pillows. He wrote, “I’ve seen you’ve uploaded a lot of memes with this pillow. Who has it? Send a photo with yours 😂.”

He’s not wrong — fans haven’t stopped uploading photos with their Chayanne pillows for months. Just like Dr. Simi, the trend continues to grow, and it may have all started back in September 2022. One Twitter user posted an entire body pillow (a pun if there ever was one) with a shirtless Chayanne on it, and history was made:

While people surely had pillows with the singer on them before then, the viral tweet seemed to spark more interest — and the Chayanne almohadita trend was born. As one Twitter user put it, “Aren’t we all supposed to have a Chayanne pillow?” Wiser words have never been spoken.

Almohadita Chayanne is the best Chayanne

So why the trend? Does the Chayanne pillow bring good fortune? Salud, dinero? In the words of Walter Mercado, “Mucho, mucho amor?” We’ll never know — all we know we can cuddle up to one of our favorite stars now, even if it is in pilllow form.

As one Twitter user wrote, “God, is it too late in the month to spend everything I have left on a Chayanne pillow?” Another agreed, “I want to beat capitalism and the Matrix and at the same time, I need this Chayanne pillow.” And all we can say is… same. Yet another user said whoever posts Chayanne pillow pictures gives them a thousand years of life, and you know what? Also same.

So now, a collection of the best Chayanne pillow locations we’ve seen, because we need it this Monday afternoon. The Boricua singer is known for his megawatt smile, smooth dance moves, epic baladas like “Y Tú Te Vas,” and now, for pillows that make everyone happy. A stellar resume if there ever was one. Enjoy:

This fan took his pillow on a plane ride, and to see the sights around Argentina:

Meanwhile, exhibit B is none other than Chayanne-Otaku, the manga character we didn’t know we needed. You know, because, the internet:

Did you ever think you would see the day where SpiderChayanne was a thing? We didn’t either, but it’s making us feel quite bendecidos right about now:

It’s the “Circle of Life” — first you’re a 2000s era best-selling pop icon, then you’re also a pillow giving us “Lion King” vibes:

We can all finally cuddle with Chayanne, which might just be exactly what we didn’t know we needed:

A shirtless Chayanne plushie? Why not?

Here, video proof your tía (or mom, or abuela) will love this Chayanne pillow for Mother’s Day:

And last, the Chayanne Pillow Award goes to this Twitter user who’s already amassed five pillows (and counting):