This year is already off to a wild start. While we look ahead, we might hope for good news about a change. However, the predictions of the famous YouTuber Dross and Nostradamus for 2025 do not leave us feeling super hopeful. Here are seven predictions that have been made about 2025.

Economic recession globally

First, a young Indian man named Abhigya Anand has predicted a massive economic recession stemming from multiple factors. These include the falling of emerging markets and the weakening of international trade. According to the young man, the stars indicate a moment of financial uncertainty. Additionally, he has warned of the escalation of conflicts in the Middle East and Asia. He predicted they would draw in global powers. In particular, he pointed to China and Taiwan.

The depopulation of New York City

According to Edgar Cayce, known for his prophecies, New York City will face depopulation. This might be due to many things happening in the Big Apple. Cayce noted that the soaring cost of living, homeless population, fentanyl addicts, and the sinking city would start to force people out of the city in droves. In one prophecy, Cayce stated that he was in a cigar-shaped boat in New York City but witnessed a city half submerged underwater. Those who still roamed the streets were listless and moving around like ghosts in the former bustling city.

Danger, insecurity, and threats

The Economist, a magazine that often looks at trends to predict the year ahead, annually releases a special edition that makes predictions. This year’s special edition used three colors on the cover: black, grey, and red. According to Dross, these colors can mean danger, insecurity, and threats. The images used have also drawn attention. They show President Donald Trump is in the center, and next to him is a vaccine, with the globe focusing on Asia and Africa. There are also other disturbing images, including a missile, an atom, an explosion, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A third world war

Baba Vanga, a Macedonian woman, is known for her prophecies before she died in 1996. She predicted that 2025 would be the start of a third world war. The conflict will be centered in Europe and bring an end to democratic governments. The prophecy reads: “In the spring, a war will begin in the east, and there will be a third world war. A war in the east that will destroy the west.” Some speculate that her prediction started with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and will end with a global conflict between the East and West. A clue that makes people believe this is that Vanga said the fall of the Syrian government would usher in the start of the third world war and give Russian President Putin more power.

Syria is going to face a similar fate as ancient Israel

Isaiah from the Bible is someone else who has made predictions that some think are coming true in 2025. In Isaiah 17:3, Isaiah claims that the entire kingdom of Syria and the city of Damascus will cease to exist. Also, the cities of the north that are the pride of Israel will be left without walls. There will be no more fortresses in Ephraim nor royalty in Damascus. Isaiah predicted that those who stayed in Aram would also suffer the same sad fate that befell Israel. This is not a literal prophecy, however. It is meant to say that what happened with Israel, being divided and then destroyed, is destined to happen in Syria.

Nostradamus had a lot to say about 2025

One of the things he focused on was the climate. According to Nostradamus, there would be confusing weather and rising sea levels. Basically, he is pointing to what we are seeing with all the snow in the south, the flooding in Valencia, Spain, and an increase in extreme weather events. However, he was clear that these would just be the beginning of the extreme weather events to shake the planet in 2025. According to his prophecy, we could witness record flooding and devastating droughts in 2025.

The University of Chicago’s Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Doomsday Clock

The clock, created in 1947 after World War II, has been counting down. It has offered insight into how close we have come to the end of the world through nuclear war. The creators of the clock, looking at the world through unbiased and factual lenses, found that the human race was on a countdown until the end of the world. The clock is updated regularly to show humans how close we are to the inevitable fate of human extinction. The clock will mark the end of human existence when it strikes midnight. In 2024, the clock made it the closest it ever has to midnight, with the hand only 90 seconds away from midnight. For context, during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War, the biggest nuclear threat at the time, the clock was two minutes from midnight. Russia’s threat to launch a nuclear missile at Ukraine now has scientists debating how much closer the clock must now be to midnight.

You can watch the full video below. Happy 2025.