Picture a romantic marriage proposal at Disneyland, but let’s add an interesting twist: both getting down on one knee almost simultaneously, rings in hand. That’s what happened to a couple last weekend.

In the TikTok video that went viral, shared by Jenny Tuell, we witness the unforgettable moment Samuel Bishop Macias and Javier López shared in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle at the theme park.

In the clip, the couple stops at the iconic spot, then López kneels and presents a ring. Meanwhile, Macias bursts into laughter and, in an adorable gesture, pulls a ring box from his bag to join in the heartfelt proposal. Yes, we’re shook too.

“Congratulations!! I got their permission to share this video,” Tuell wrote on the viral video. As a musical backdrop, she chose Taylor Swift’s hit song “Love Story.”

Now, Macias spoke to mitú about this fairytale proposal, dishing over the twists and turns that happened before this joyful moment.

The couple previously discussed taking the next step in their relationship, but a family tragedy altered their plans

Macias shared that he and López had discussed taking getting engaged previously, however, family tragedy struck, preventing their initial plans.

“We are very excited and happy,” he says. “We have already been talking about getting married for years now. Because of the pandemic and my father’s passing away, we haven’t had the opportunity nor the energy to plan anything.”

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Regarding the proposal, Macias explained his Mexican boyfriend had given him hints on his proposal. However, since it was his first time at Disneyland, he wanted to take advantage and make it more memorable.

“Javier already had hinted several times in the past that he would propose or not (He was playing with my feelings),” he shares. “When we finally went to Disneyland (I have never been to Disney before), so when we started planning the trip, I said, what the heck? I’ll make it happen, but he thought the same way, and here we are.”

With tears of joy and messages of love, social media was abuzz with the heartwarming double proposal

Following the video’s viral explosion, Macias took to his social media account to share photos and videos of this extraordinary double proposal. In his posts, he poured out words of love and gratitude to his partner in adventure. Of course, reactions from followers poured in.

Countless people extended their congratulations for this exciting new chapter on their journey together.

“Congratulations! What an exhilarating moment! May you always be this blissfully happy,” an Instagram user wrote.

On the other hand, many confessed to shedding tears of joy, deeply moved by the adorableness of the moment. “Congratulations, and I wish you both endless happiness. This post brought me such joy that I teared up when I saw it.”

Some even noted the reactions of strangers fortunate enough to witness this magical proposal in person. “I genuinely got more emotional over the people around them being so supportive. It’s hard to remember that nice people exist,” they said on TikTok.

Congratulations to the happy couple!