The senseless tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday is on all of our minds at mitú.

A lot of people on our team are parents of young children, many in elementary school — just like a third of our readers and followers. It’s very much personal to us. But even among those who are not parents, the feeling of loss is beyond comprehension.

Nineteen children, nearly all Latinos y Latinas, will not have a chance to grow up, go to college, start a business, fall in love, have a family, vote, or use their unique abilities to influence others and strengthen their communities. Our community.

There is a hole in our fabric stretching into the future that these children would fill. The potential of the next Latino generation. We are overcome by sadness at the loss of their precious lives today, and the echoes of what they would become.

The mission at mitú has always been to bring Latinos together, mostly to laugh, often to learn, sometimes to act, because we believe whatever the circumstances, it’s probably better to belong to something than to be isolated.

This week, next week, and as long as this tragedy is on our minds, we want to bring our community together to heal.

Stephen Brooks, President