This recipe means so much to me because my grandma used to sell red enchiladas to make money for her 13 children in Mexico and in Los Angeles. My grandma would make these enchiladas daily and my mom said she used to help her prepare them. Red enchiladas have been in my family from generation to generation and they symbolize the connection between love, food, Mexico, and family. I have now learned to prepare red enchiladas so that I can teach my future children how to make them as well.


Chile California

Chile Arbol
Queso Cotijia
Vegetable oil
Corn tortilla Cabbage
Mexican Sour cream


Begin the red enchiladas with the chile. For the chile, we will use 5 Chile California and 6 Chile Arbol with 3 cups of water to boil in a pan. After it is all boiling we will add the chiles and water with 2 cloves of garlic medium size and 1/2 tablespoons of salt into the blender. Wait for the mixture to cool a little so you do not get burned. After the mixture is blended smooth and strain the chunks, only the Chile sauce is left. We will now move on to preparation for the condiments on top of the enchiladas. Begin by cutting half an onion cut into cubes, then shredding half a bar of cotija cheese, and then cutting 1⁄4 of cabbage and shredding it. We will begin the cooking of the enchiladas with a layer of 1⁄4 cup of vegetable oil on a flat pan. Heat up the pan. Dip corn tortillas in chile sauce on both sides and fry in the pan and flip once and repeat. Fill the tortilla with cheese and onion in the middle and roll up to 4/5 a plate. Add some cabbage, little shredded cheese, and Mexican sour cream and they are ready!

Check out the video tutorial below: