The pandemic was a litmus test that so many people failed. We were getting used to seeing Karens on out social media pages and the pandemic brought about so many more than we were ready to deal with. One of the most famous Amber Lynn Gilles from San Diego and she is at it again.

Amber Lynn Gilles is still upset that her video shaming a Starbucks employee backfired big time.

Last year, Gilles went to a Starbucks to order a coffee. Yet, because she was not wearing a mask, the barista, Lenin Gutierrez, refused to serve her. The employee refused to serve Gilles because she wasn’t wearing a mask, which was required because of the ongoing pandemic.

Instead of backing down, a friend of Gutierrez’s made a GoFundMe to raise money for the man who stood up to an anti-mask Karen. The GoFundMe quickly raised more than $100,000 for Gutierrez and Gilles felt entitled to some. She even threatened to sue because she was the real victim.

Gilles is claiming that she was the victim in a new lawsuit against the creator of the viral GoFundMe page.

Gilles claims that the GoFundMe was a “violation of her right to publicity,” “misappropriation of her name and likeness” and “false light invasion of privacy.” She also claims that Matt Cowan made money off of the GoFundMe page.

Cowan disputes that claim.

“All the money that was raised went to Lenin. I didn’t profit off of that at all,” Cowan told The Hill.

In a new GoFundMe page, Cowan calls out the lawsuit. In less than a week, Cowan’s GoFundMe page has raised $31,519 of the $50,000 goal.

Gilles has been successful in one thing, keeping attention on her inability to follow safety guidelines.

The latest lawsuit has caught the internet’s attention. People are donating in mass to help Cowan while Gilles original GoFundMe page is still active. So far, Gilles’ page, which has been live for months, has raised $5,750 of the $15,000 goal.

Gilles updated her GoFundMe to include a copy of the lawsuit and needs help to redress what she claims to be defamation of character. Cowan is surprised that Gilles was able to find an attorney to take the case that was filed against him and his company.

This is a developing story. We will update as the story develops.

READ: San Diego Karen Wants To Sue For Half Of Starbucks Barista’s $100K GoFundMe