For many Latina entrepreneurs, the path to success can be overwhelming. In the days of social media, figuring out how to brand yourself is no easy task. But that’s part of the problem, according to social media guru Dani G. Schulz.

Schulz has mastered the art of self-branding by paving her own way. As she sees it, the issue is that too many people focus on social media posts, likes, shares, and clicks. The primary focus should not be about simply gaining followers. The key to success is to be clear about who you are. You have to be honest and focused on what your mission is in life (and online).

Only when you know who you are will you truly create the brand you are born to be.

Dani G. Schulz is living proof that being true to who you are is an essential ingredient to success 

This brilliant and empowering entrepreneur is enjoying her success and paying it forward in a big way.

Born to a Spanish father and a Chilean mother, Dani was born in Venezuela and raised in Ecuador. She then studied journalism and business at Loyola University New Orleans. Schulz earned her master’s degree in sports journalism in Madrid, Spain.

Dani G. Schulz has taken advantage of every experience to hone her craft and wants to inspire other Latinas. She wants other women to understand that what she has accomplished is not unattainable or unrealistic.

Schulz is hoping they’ll think, “wow, if a Latina from Ecuador can do that, then why not me?”

Made to be seen

As a young girl, Schulz remembers always feeling that she was “made to be seen.”

She doesn’t mean that in a superficial, narcissistic way at all. In fact, she commented that people often feel uncomfortable when she admits that. This happens especially in Latin America, where girls are often told they shouldn’t be seen and shouldn’t take up space. 

Her parents raised her to realize her purpose. They made her very aware that she had a voice and a natural ability to communicate with others.

With that in mind, she began working in journalism and, ultimately, sports journalism. Eventually, Schulz realized she wasn’t happy. She was burnt out and exhausted. Deep down, she knew that there was something greater out there that she hadn’t yet tapped into.

Schulz then started to shift her focus. She started by teaching her social media followers how to make and edit videos, something she had learned to do during her time as a journalist. 

At first, her followers took her content at face value. Then, one day, she realized they were asking deeper questions. The conversations were more emotional about self-branding and growing one’s purpose and business. That’s when she knew she was on to something.

For Dani G. Schulz, it wasn’t always an easy, clear path to success

On the contrary, Dani experienced a lot of obstacles. She even experienced shame as she launched her platform and this phase of her career. 

“I often felt shame talking about what I aspired to be and what I was passionate about,” she told FIERCE.

And it’s important to Dani that she shares those struggles.

She recalls people back home talking badly about her or making fun of her for her online content and ventures. But part of empowering other women to chase their dreams is to let them know that they aren’t alone in their mistakes.

“If you try to do something different, especially in social media, it’s most likely going to happen to you too,” she told us. But if she had given up on the first negative comment or criticism, she wouldn’t be where she is today. Schulz has a successful company, a podcast, a loyal following of millions, and online courses to help others achieve their dreams.

And she’s showing no signs of slowing down 

“It’s not only about having dreams,” she told FIERCE. “You want to have dreams, inhabit them, and then move on to new dreams.”

Speaking of dreams, today Dani chairs Dani Schulz Inc. In this digital strategy company, she has helped more than 6,000 clients worldwide and generated more than seven figures in sales in less than two years. 

Dani focuses on helping people manage their social media and digital businesses lightly. She teaches them to use authenticity and magnetism as pillars of a successful digital strategy.

She believes that “everything you want is available to you” and that the digital world is a powerful tool to amplify your dreams.

Dani G. Schulz is honest, vulnerable, and totally real. And the fun has always been a huge part of who she is, what she stands for, and what she infuses into her work.

For some, being an influencer is the dream. But what even is “influence,” and what does that mean if you’re not using it towards a grander mission? It’s not about going viral. “Virality doesn’t have longevity,” she tells her students. Always think about being relevant in the future as a priority over immediate fame.

Sure, Dani G. Schulz is a reference and inspirational authority when it comes to beauty and fashion brands. After all, she has worked with brands such as Chanel, Chanel Beauty, Cartier, and Revolve. But her reach and her depth go far beyond the surface. 

“It’s not only about beautiful clothes and a pretty face. That’s the icing on the cake. It’s not the cake,” Dani explains.

Finding true purpose

“I always tell the people there’s one currency that is invisible in social media. It’s one thing that you can’t get back, and that’s your credibility.” With that in mind, she urges her followers and anyone in her courses to think about their vision, purpose, brand, and what they stand for.

Her collection of online courses is a guide to help people create a social media presence with purpose and soul. But it’s more than just lectures or busy work — it’s about being a part of something. 

When you take her courses, you become a part of a community of Latina entrepreneurs around the world who want to build their brand into something meaningful. 

It’s more than business advice, how to create a reel, how often you should post stories on your social media, etc. 

In her courses, Dani G. Schulz covers topics such as mental health, creating and growing your own business, journaling, manifestation, growth, and impact on social networks, fashion, trends, how to find your own style, natural beauty, breaking your limiting beliefs, inhabiting your dreams, change your internal dialogue. 

And for anyone on a time crunch, her “quickie” course is an opportunity to create a deeper presence online that taps into your deepest goals and teaches you how to amplify your voice with authenticity and magnetism. Her online courses are currently available in Spanish only, but she’s in the process of creating courses and tools for her English-speaking audience in 2023.  

It’s not about shortcuts 

For Schulz, there are no hacks to building your brand. It’s not about teaching a formula or teaching people how to beat the system to get more followers, “it’s about looking inside,” Dani explains. “What are truths about yourself that you want to reclaim? What words do you want to own and speak?”

And clearly, it’s working. Across all her social networks, Dani has amassed around 1.4 million followers. Her podcast, “Viene Y Va,” has exceeded 2 million views in one year — yes, in only one year! Through her podcast, Dani can share her story in a vulnerable, accessible, approachable, and authentic tone that her followers have come to know and love. 

While it’s undeniable that Dani G. Schulz has figured out her own mission and is successfully bringing her vision to life, she’s only getting started. 

She understands that there might be many people out there trying to do what she does, and similarly, as an entrepreneur or someone trying to create a social media brand, there will always be others out there trying to do the same thing as you. But there is only one you. Nobody can do exactly what you do the way that you do it. 

“Keeping that really close to your heart and truly believing that you can generate an impact, even if it’s only one person,” is a game changer, she emphasizes.

What’s next for Dani G. Schulz Inc.? 

She’s thinking bigger, knowing that to grow, she needs to let go a little bit. 

“At first, I did everything myself, and that’s when I learned how to teach others. But now I’m excited about having more people on my team and delegating more so that I can create something bigger than just me.” 

Dani recognizes that her business is “the channel through which she can live out her dreams.” Still, it will not become the cage that holds her back or prevents her from truly living her life.

The entrepreneur knows her own limitations and her own goals. “I’m not trying to change people’s lives; that’s a big responsibility. But if I can change just one limiting belief that you have, or change one thing that you think about yourself that is holding you back from achieving your dream, then I can sleep at night.”