It is not hard to argue that President Donald Trump is on the wrong side of the racial justice protests happening right now. Instead, President Trump has stoked the flames of anger among the people in the marches. The president even had the military violently clear peaceful protesters from a park to have a photo-op holding a bible in front of a church.

President Donald Trump tweeted another fake video trying to further his war against the media.

President Trump has been waging a war against the media since he started running for president in 2016. The president has taken aim at trusted media organizations and news agencies because he doesn’t like the reporting. The agencies have not reported anything false about the president and the reporters from these agencies have held him accountable. There have been numerous briefings when reporters from these agencies have angered President Trump enough for him to lash out and walk away from the podium.

President Trump will always hold two distinctions: third impeached president in U.S. history and the first tweet marked as false information.

It wasn’t that long ago that the country watched as the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump. This makes him the third president to ever be impeached in U.S. history. This year, he became the first person to ever have one of his tweets flagged for having false information.

Twitter’s policies clarifying the falsehoods of some of Trump’s tweets have angered the president. President Trump signed an executive order that, while it doesn’t do much to affect social media platforms, it does signal to his base. President Trump understands that his base fears censorship of conservative voices, which is not happening. The executive order was a chance for him to let them know he hears them.

The video is another example of President Trump’s failure to lead the nation during this time.

While the U.S. is experiencing massive protests calling for police reform, President Trump has not done anything addressing the crisis. Instead, President Trump signed an executive order that did little to address police reform and reiterated his support of current policing.

This considered, his using a fake video to try to make CNN seem incompetent is not surprising. It is also unfortunately not surprising that he would also seek to belittle the conversations of race taking place. It is worth remembering that the first time President Trump was covered by The New York Times is was because of racism.

Don’t worry. CNN had enough time to let him know just where he stands.

President Trump is falling fast in the polls with Joe Biden gaining a considerable lead. From March to now, Biden’s lead over Trump has grown by double digits. He has even witnessed some of his voters from 2016 leaving his base.

READ: Donald Trump Jr. Booed Off The Stage By His Father’s Supporters And Twitter Is Living For It