Camilo Hurtado Campos, 63, has been arrested after police found hundreds of videos on his cell phone of unconscious boys being sexually assaulted.

According to the Franklin Police Department, the Tennessee soccer coach is being held on charges of rape of a child and sexual exploitation of a minor. Finding at least 10 children as victims of Campos’ sexual assault.

Franklin police continue the investigation, identifying the young children in the videos. In a tweet on Monday, detectives identified three of the 10 victims. They are expecting Campos will receive further charges.

Local restaurant staff members called the police immediately after finding disturbing videos on Campos’ cell phone

Reports claim that a local restaurant contacted police after staff members found the cell phone left behind by Campos.

Restaurant workers looked through the phone to see if they could find a way to return the device. Then, they found the videos instead. Police officers started the investigation immediately, arresting the 63-year-old soccer coach.

Detectives shared gruesome details of the videos in their report. Including that Campos recorded himself raping “unconscious boys between the ages of 9 and 17 years old.” Additionally, they shared that the children were “in such an unconscious state, that they might not realize they were victims.”

Campos is known as a “popular” soccer coach, police say he recruited players at nearby school playgrounds

Camilo Hurtado Campos has been a resident of Franklin, Tennessee for more than 20 years, the report claims. Splitting his time between Hill Estates and Glass Lane, Campos “frequented nearby school playgrounds in both neighborhoods where he approached kids and recruited them on his team.”

The police report adds that after he gained the children’s trust, he’d invited them to his home. This is where he “drugged and then raped them.”

Detectives have identified three of the 10 victims in the videos and state five others have come forward.

“Five more that we didn’t know about have also come forward. We are nowhere close to the end of our review of the evidence in this horrific case,” they tweeted on July 10.

As the investigation continues, Franklin police is calling parents and former players to speak up if they have been victims or know of someone who was.

“If you or your child have been associated with Campos through the years, especially if he has been your child’s coach, Franklin Police want to hear from you at (615) 794-2513,” they shared on their website.