Photo via JamesKhuri/Instagram

UPDATE Wednesday, March 10th at 3:35pm.

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the teen who caused the fatal crash that killed Monique Muñoz has been arrested.

“We’ve done a filing,” said Supervising Detective James Dickson. “That filing was presented to the LA County Juvenile DA. It’s currently in his office.”

“The arrest charge was 192(c)(1), negligent vehicular manslaughter,” added Detective James Dickson. “I can’t regurgitate what we found, but based upon multiple witness statements that corroborate one another, it’s clear that there was gross negligence.”

The detective also confirmed that the teen was involved in an illegal high-speed chase when he killed Monique Muñoz. “We believe that that vehicle was potentially engaged in a speed contest with the Lamborghini,” he revealed.

Additionally, the father of the 17-year-old, James Khuri, has posted an apology to his Instagram page.

“I am aware that the time it is taking me to communicate this has caused further pain for everyone affected,” wrote Khuri. “Knowing that this will never do justice for the family of Monique Munoz, I want to apologize to the Munoz family for the tragic loss of their daughter.”

“There are no words I can say to alleviate the pain that you are experiencing. And I realize none of my words or actions will be able to bring back your daughter. Still, I want to offer my support in anyway you will allow me to. My family and I pray for the Munoz family.”

James Khuri had bought his son the Lamborghini in 2020 as a birthday gift.

Close family friend Candace Greene told the Daily Mail that the boy’s mother objected to the gift, calling it “an accident waiting to happen”.

Greene also insists that the teen boy is “beyond remorseful” and “cries everyday”. “He’s been in the hospital since the day of the accident with a brain injury so he did not walk away from this with cuts and scrapes.” said Greene. She also added that he is “petrified.”

In the months leading up to the accident, James Khuri wrote multiple social media posts referring to him and his son racing their cars.

“My son and I hanging out cruising in the Hills. Everyone knows whose car is faster,” Khuri wrote on Facebook. Later, he wrote: “If anyone thought that bikes are faster than this Lambo, YOU ARE WRONG!! I took them all. And I only had 1 drink. I like this car.” In December, Khuri wrote on Instagram: “Fun Friday afternoon racing another Lamborghini SVJ on Sunset. Of course going speed limit”.

The James Khuris’ lawyer denies there was any street-racing that led up to Muñoz’s death. “The allegation that there was racing going on at the time of impact if simply false,” said their lawyer.

In addition, the Khuris’ lawyer said that the family is in the process of working on a financial settlement with Muñoz’s family.

“The Khuri family is devastated by the tragic accident on February 17, 2021 that caused the death of Monique Munoz. Their hearts go out to the Munoz family for their incomparable loss,” wrote their lawyer in a statement,

“Lawyers for the Khuri family and the Munoz family have worked out a financial settlement in order to allow the families to heal, and they are in the process of finalizing those details. They ask for privacy during this sad and traumatic time.”

Original Posted March 9th, 2021, Below:

On the internet, outrage is growing over the circumstances surrounding, and the aftermath of, the tragic death of Los Angeles woman, Monique Muñoz.

On February 17th, 32-year-old Monique Muñoz was killed in a car accident caused by an alleged unlicensed 17-year-old driver.

Oddly enough, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon still has not filed charges against the teen who killed Muñoz.

Now, some people are claiming that the entire situation is being swept under the rug by the teen’s father, local millionaire James Khuri.

Social media users have become increasingly shocked by what they describe as Khuri’s blatant attempts to bury the case on the internet.

James Khuri is a successful ecommerce businessman with a multi-million dollar fortune and an active social media presence.

After his son’s February 17th crash, savvy internet users noticed that Khuri’s name was not showing up in the Google searches linked to the crash and Muñoz’s death. Instead, only positive articles about Khuri were popping up–a move that people think is a result of an expensive internet marketing campaign.

For weeks, when Googling Khuri’s name, the first article that popped up was a puff piece, entitled “Trading Cards Tycoon James Khuri Gives His Aces To A Good Cause”, despite the accident receiving much more media coverage. Some are even speculating that Khuri has hired a PR team to help bury the negative press around the accident.

To twist the knife further, Khuri has been flooding his social media pages with insensitive pictures of himself looking happy and carefree while Muñoz’s family is grieving. After receiving a flood of negative comments condemning his insensitive behavior, Khuri has since turned off his comments.

Monique Muñoz’s family is devastated by the death of Monique, as well as with the authorities’ response and Khuri’s campaign to thwart justice.

“Kid was racing down the street in a Lamborghini. 17-years-old in a Lamborghini doing 120 miles per hour–hits and kills her. Senseless,” said Muñoz’s stepfather, Isaac Cardona in the aftermath of the crash.

“Who gives a teenager a Lamborghini?” he continued. “We found out last night, the teen doesn’t even have a license.” He added: “We know who the kid is. We know who the father is. We’re letting the law take care of him.”

But the law still hasn’t taken care of the unlicensed teen driver. And Muñoz’s is shocked and confused by the lack of justice.

“I want justice for my daughter. I feel she deserves that,” Muñoz’s mother, Carol Cardona told Fox11 News. “We’re making plans to bury my daughter and this juvenile individual is still walking around. And, I don’t think it’s fair she didn’t deserve this.”

But Muñoz’s family is not giving up without a fight. On Monday, Monique’s sister, Amber posted a message to Twitter. “I lost an older sister, because a rich spoiled privileged individual wanted to race his fancy Lamborghini,” she wrote. “He killed her. And now hiding behind daddy’s money. Yes we’re angry.” She hashtagged the post #justiceformoniquemunoz, a tag that has since gone viral.

While there is no word yet on why D.A. Gascon has not pressed charges in the weeks since Muñoz was killed, the Los Angeles community is hoping that the #justiceformoniquemunoz campaign will help right the scales of justice.

“Can we get #JusticeForMonique trending?” wrote one impassioned Twitter user. “It’s DISGUSTING that this kid is getting away with MURDER because of his billionaire father!”