If there was ever a “How To Rob A Nail Salon For Dummies” book, maybe someone should forward it to this Atlanta man.

An unidentified man attempted to rob the Atlanta nail salon, Nail First, but the people in the establishment were hilariously unbothered.

As you can see in the surveillance video, the man tried to go all James Bond villain on the salon’s customers…but they weren’t buying it.

Is this a regular thing at this nail salon? Did they not hear him say “Everybody get down?” Or are these customers secretly international spies with nerves of steel?

Whatever it is, we can’t stop watching this video.

The unidentified man tried to rob an Atlanta nail salon, but everyone completely ignored him

The surveillance clip shows how the man in question busts into the nail salon and immediately begins yelling, “Everybody get down! Get down, everybody.”

He continues, “Empty out your pockets. Give me all your money.”

Incredibly enough, no one moves. You can see a man at the front desk answer the phone, although it is unclear whether he was calling 911… or just confirming an appointment.

The robber tells the man at the front desk, “Sit down! Where’s the money?” But he answers the phone with a “Hello?”

Why did the man just get cricket sounds when he tried to rob the salon? No one will ever know.

In the video, you can see how the people waiting for their appointments stare blankly at him. The robber repeats to a woman who tries to leave the salon, “Where’s the money?”

However, she just looks a bit confused.

The still-unidentified man says, “Everybody, give me everything.”

Once again, giving broken clock vibes, the man asks everyone, “Where’s the money?”

And yet again — blank faces and pure silence.

The man is now being hailed a “wannabe robber” on social media

By the end of the hilarious surveillance video, the man has no choice but to walk out empty-handed. Yes, in the robbing world, a pretty big fail.

Police later reported that the man left the scene in a silver sedan.

Atlanta authorities said, “The suspect demanded the patrons get on the ground and surrender their money. The suspect then fled the location in a silver in color sedan.”

The situation may have been scary for the salon’s patrons, even though it didn’t seem like it. Still, people can’t stop making fun of the situation because… well, the internet.

One Twitter user wrote after seeing the video, “This is what happens when you flunk out of armed robbery school.” Passing “armed robbery school” with flying colors would be a weird flex, but still quite the burn.

Others laughed at how the robber “failed miserably” at his… job.

Yet another said, “Bro’s robbery looks like a bad TikTok skit.” Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy?

And yes, because everything is meme-able, here’s a POV of the nail salon’s customers when the robber walked in:

As per NBC, Crime Stoppers is offering a $2,000 reward for information that leads to the robber’s arrest and indictment.