Just when we thought racist promposals were over, TikTok’s latest challenge has come to put a damper on our day.

Despite being kept inside, high school students are still finding ways to get into trouble with their schools, enough to the point of being expelled. Recently a new trend on TikTok has seen teens leaning on racist tropes to gain popularity through a meme called “how’s my form?”

According to Daily Dot, two students so far have been expelled from school during this time thanks to their careless actions.

Last week, a YouTube user complied four minutes worth of TikToks following the trend and put it all into a video. Sadly, the clips are latent with harmful stereotypes. They also use the song “Yoga” by New York City rapper 645AR and end with the question, “How’s my form?”

One TikTok user created a video of one user asking Asians to rate his “form” on eating a bat. The video clearly backs the xenophobic and racist mindset that the coronavirus outbreak comes from people who are Asian.

Recently, one hero of a dad took his daughter to task for participating in. the racist trend.


After making a video mocking Black people and the Three-fifths Compromise, which gave a disproportionate representation of slave states in the House of Representatives until the American Civil War, a teen’s dad forced her to apologize to users online.

Sitting next to her father, who told users he did not condone racism in his house she explained “I didn’t mean for it to come off as racist even though, considering the context of it—I didn’t mean it like that,” the teen said tearfully in the clip. “I was just doing a TikTok trend, and my actions aren’t OK.”

Way to go, Papa.