The Best Video You’ll See All Day: Animal Shelter in Mexico Hosts a Posada for Their Orphaned Dogs, Complete With a Sausage-Filled Piñata
Screenshot via lupisanimalista/Instagram
Posadas are a beloved tradition in Mexico and something that so many people look forward to every time the holidays roll around. From dressing up as Mary and Joseph to breaking a piñata, it doesn’t feel like Christmas unless you celebrate las posadas.
But humans aren’t the only ones who love to celebrate! The perros of the Mexican animal shelter Lupis Animalista have enough holiday spirit to put Santa Claus himself to shame.
According to the social media accounts of Lupis Animalista animal shelter in Coyoacán, Mexico City, each year, the shelter throws a “perriposada” for their orphaned dogs. The celebration has to be seen to be believed.
The shelter dresses the dogs up in festive, red Christmas outfits and the shelter’s owner, Lupis Sapien, sings “¡Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino…!” while they swing a giant dog-shaped piñata filled with sausages over the dogs’ heads.
From the look of the social media posts, the dogs appear to be having a great time. Seeming to sense that the piñata above them is filled with tasty treats, the dogs jump and paw at the swinging piñata.
According to, Sapien has dedicated her life to rescuing animals. She describes herself as an “activist against animal abuse and bullfighting.” The non-profit NGO is a shelter located that is home to over 300 dogs and 45 cats, most of whom were rescued from either the streets or from abusive homes.
And Sapien is doing tough work. It’s no secret that Mexico has a stray dog problem. According to experts, Mexico is home to between 15 and 18 million stray dogs; the largest population of stray dogs in Latin America. There isn’t yet a culture of spaying and/or neutering animals and people who microchip their pets are few and far between.
Sapien posts the adorable videos of the perriposada as a way to raise money for her shelter and promote the adoption of rescue dogs. And her clever marketing works. People flocked to the comments of her social media posts to praise the creativity and cuteness of the “perriposada.”
This is a beautiful thing to see when I wake up,” wrote one Facebook user. “Thank you for being someone who is so empathetic for our furry friends. God bless you and keep you in good health so you can continue to help these little animals.”
“How cute Lupis,” wrote another one. “You always make those cute dogs so happy. You are their angel. God bless you always.”
You can donate to Lupis Animalista here, just in time for Christmas!