During the pandemic, we’ve all been doing our part. But there are those in our community who are going above and beyond and really making a difference for their families and their neighborhood. We’re talking about the emergency medical workers on the front lines, the delivery drivers and postal workers who are our lifelines, and of course the folks holding it down at home. These are the folks who deserve all our amor and a cafecito every morning to keep them going.

They’re what we like to call Work For Home Heroes, because regardless of where they’re working from they are doing everything they can for their loved ones. And together with Dunkin’ we’re going to make sure they get the recognition they deserve!

A few weeks ago we kicked off our partnership with Dunkin’ by having some of our mitú fam shout out the Work For Home Heroes in their lives, and we wanted to make sure that you in the audience got the chance to do the same. So we put out the call and oh man did you all deliver. 

Here are just a few of the amazing people and stories from our very own extended mitú community:

Vanessa nominated by her friend Salena

“My name is Salena and I would like to nominate my good friend. Vanessa is a strong mujer, loving wife, super mamá, and more. She started a small business years ago; making clothes, aprons, pillows, and dish towels is her thing! When the pandemic hit she revamped her business and started sewing, selling, and even donating face coverings… even getting celebrity clients. In the many years I’ve known Vanessa, I have never, ever heard her complain or say anything negative about anyone or anything. She has the purest heart and I’m so blessed to know her. I mean, just look at her joyful smile.”

Francisco nominated by his wife Paula

“My husband, Francisco, has been in-and-out of hospitals making sure folks get their medical supplies delivered. During the Oregon Wildfires he drove through dangerous areas to make sure first responders had medical supplies for those affected.

On top of being a husband, a dad to five boys (one of which has autism), and an all around sexy man for helping with the household chores, in his first job he was a labor contractor making sure “la raza” always worked safely. He made sure folks had extra protective equipment and refused to work with farmers who exploited field workers. 

He even picked up a second job as a courier after I was diagnosed with the beginning stages of kidney failure. On 10/5 we celebrated our 23rd marriage anniversary and 24 years of dating. My husband is from Michoacán, and is truly a blessing. He’s very humble and doesn’t like being in the spotlight, but deserves the recognition.”

Michelle nominated by her wife Alexis

“Michelle is my beautiful wife and my Work For Home Hero. She’s been fortunate enough to be able to work from home during the pandemic. We are both at high risk and it’s been a privilege and blessing to be able to stay afloat while being able to quarantine.  Michelle is an Art Director and her passion is print design. She’s done everything from book covers to planners, stickers, washi, and paper pads you’ll find at craft stores. I love that she uses her platform and design to make sure that her products and art are inclusive and can be used by everyone. It’s such a delight to see people use her products and freak out with delight to see curvy ballerinas or brown mermaids. I love that she tries to make her circle of influence as inclusive as possible.”

Robertino nominated by his friend Sherelyn

“I nominate my good friend Robertino. He’s a respiratory therapist here in San Diego, CA. He really cares for his patients and family. During the beginning of the pandemic he was very concerned about his patients not being able to see who is taking care of them due to all the protective gear he had to wear. He decided to print out a picture, laminate it and pin it onto his PPE gear; so he could give his patients a reassuring smile that he knows can make a difference. He is very hardworking and dedicated to everything he accomplishes. He definitely deserves to be recognized for everything he does for his family, friends and his community.”

These are the heroes shared by you, our extended mitú familia in the audience. Together with Dunkin’ we want to thank them for everything they do for our community. And of course, give a huge thanks to everybody who submitted their stories.

We couldn’t feature them all, but we were absolutely overwhelmed with all of the amazing things that our gente are doing during this pandemic. Gracias from the bottom of our hearts.

And hey! If you’re feeling grateful for the Work For Home Hero in your life and want to show them some love, head over to dunkincoffeebreak.com to reward them with a well-deserved cafecito. If they’re going to keep America running the way they have, they’re going to need it.